Binaural Beats – What They Are, How ...

Binaural Beats – What They Are, How They Work & What They Can Do For You

Binaural bests were first discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. However, Dove didnt realise the full potential of this technology, he merely observed that it occurred. It was another 134 years...

Meditation 608 Words

Binaural Beats – The Holy Grail Of ...

This article is designed to give you some insight into the relatively new technology of Binaural Beats. Binaural Beats are specific frequencies that can bring you into a profoundly deep state of meditation within minutes using the latest innovations in sound technology. They utilize a specific...

Meditation 1145 Words

Binaural Beats

Optimizing your brain with just your set of headphones!

Binaural beats are unique sounds recorded in such a way that they re-adjust the brain wave frequencies of the listener automatically. Through a technological technique that has been named brain entrainment, binaural beats can change...

Meditation 773 Words

Become Your Own Relaxation Expert

Meditation has been practiced around the world for thousands of years. It is a techiniqe used to quiet the mind and body, and release stress. It can also bring focus and clarity, and often, after meditating, problems that you have been struggling with, miraculously become solved. Meditation has...

Meditation 530 Words

Balancing Hope And Reality To Plan A ...

Dealing with the end of life and the decisions that accompany it bring critical challenges for everyone involved-patients, families, friends and physicians. In fact, “managing” the progression toward death, particularly when a dire diagnosis has been made, can be a highly complex...

Meditation 423 Words

Why You Need to Meditate

The side effects of meditation are positive and countless. Studies have demonstrated that those who meditate on a regular basis have reduced illness, stress, and need for rest.

But one of the most compelling reasons to meditate is that the process of meditation itself is sublime....

Meditation 648 Words

Why Try Meditating Outside?

Meditating outdoors? Does it really matter where you meditate? I think it can. For some of us, being outside makes for not just a different meditation experience, but a more profound one. There are some good reasons for this.

perhaps meditating in a quiet room with no sounds and nothing...

Meditation 504 Words

What is meditation – how to meditate

Meditation is a group of mental training techniques .You can use meditation to improve mental health and capacities, and also to help improve the physical health. Some of these techniques are very simple, so you can learn them from a book or an article; others require guidance by a qualified...

Meditation 716 Words

Transcendental Meditation

Since 1958, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has trained more than 40,000 teachers in the practice of Transcendental Meditation or TM. These teachers have taught more than six million people worldwide this simple, natural procedure which allows its practitioners to gain deep rest and contact their inner...

Meditation 552 Words

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Scientists say that we only use 10% of our minds. Think about what I just said. We use only 10% of our minds! We are wasting the other 90%. Think of it this way.what if we only used 10% of our salary? Could we survive on 10% of our salary? No way, unless your Bill Gates. What about eating...

Meditation 986 Words

The Power Of Binaural Beats And Holosync Can ...

The Power Of Binaural Beats And Holosync Can Change Your Life

What if you could have a technology that allows you to meditate like a Zen Buddhist monk? Imagine all the benefits you could get from being able to enter a very deep meditative state without any effort. Can you think of...

Meditation 1229 Words

The Holosync Solution. Does It Even Work?

The benefits of practising deep meditation are enormous. Apart from reducing stress and anxiety it can produce amazing effects in the body and eliminate negativity from the mind. However it usually takes a lifetime to perfect through hours of daily pratise.

What if you could gain access...

Meditation 1194 Words