France Attacks Iran: U. S. And Britain Object

France, casting aside its usual insistence on diplomacy, even when its obvious to every person who happens to be alert that it cant work, finally grew impatient with Irans centrifuge-rattling behavior and launched a unilateral attack on it.

As French mirage jets swooped down on Irans...

Humor 361 Words

For single or for sfigati there is a virtual ...

For single or for sfigati there is a virtual companion

How long are you single? From what you see a girl on your bed, if only to sleep? Well Drew Burrows evidently a long time, since he is the inventor of virtual girl. The only flaw is that it is not in three dimensions , but the benefits...

Humor 175 Words

Flash Gordon helps the universe

Flash Gordon moaned. His life had changed a lot lately. In charge of a novel and dangerous assignment utilizing spacecraft with a mad professor and a gorgeous woman, he then was said that the father he had thought long dead was a prisoner of Ming The Merciless, a rather unsavoury guy on this...

Humor 456 Words

Finally, Something Green At Banks Besides ...

Until now, our perception of the occurrence of green in relation to banks has inevitably led us to the conclusion that the subject was greenbacks. Now, we learn, to our watchful pleasure, that another sort of green can mollify our usual love-hate relationship with major and minor financial...

Humor 312 Words

Field Notes on Country Linguistics

As Suzy stammered, my ears perked up. For distraction I called out, Hey Kathy, put on another pot of coffee. Suzy spoke again. The fact is, gouging my own eyes out with a ketchup bottle would not have distracted me. A linguistic calamity was eminent.

The hair on the back of my neck stood...

Humor 597 Words

FED Raises Interest Rates, Except On ...

The Federal Reserve took the unusually considerate step of raising the interest rate again while providing that banks could not raise the mortgage rates on people who already have mortgages with them.

While the banks called foul, the new head of the Fed commented, I think its time to be...

Humor 215 Words

Exactly What Does “Stand Down” ...

While were certain that the phrase “stand down,” which we hear with unaccustomed frequency in reference to our someday departure from Iraq, has a long and venerable history, we still cannot help but be niggled by what appears to us the apparent illogic of the postural...

Humor 248 Words

Everybody is Happy in Their Own Way

Morning. Im running late to work as usual. Im rushing out of the door, buttoning myself up on my way. Theres Ivan Kuzmich sitting on the bench. Everybody calls him Grandpa Kuzya, he is about 80 years old, but his mind is not that of an old man at all.

-> Youre in a hurry again? the old...

Humor 484 Words

Europeans Uncertain About Smoking Ban; Many ...

While Europeans generally support banning smoking in restaurants, many remain opposed to banning it in bars.

When interviewed, a British opponent of the ban said, When I go to a pub, I like to smoke. I also like to inhale secondhand smoke. Then theres the added benefit that the next day...

Humor 213 Words

Europeans Press Iran; Present Cartoon Of ...

Europeans Press Iran; Present Cartoon Of Bombs Dropping On Nuclear Plants

European negotiators, intent on reaching a peaceful agreement with Iran about its controversial nuclear program, resorted to a tactic that has recently proven to be the most reliable way to elicit a response in much...

Humor 763 Words

Eternal Wit

Whoever said, “You can’t take it with you” was obviously not referring to a sense of humor …

Here is a list of actual epitaphs from departed souls who clearly had more to say than the time to say it, or from their next of kin, who wanted to be sure they literally...

Humor 626 Words

Enron Trial Goes To Jury; Ken Lay ...

The trial of the defendants in the collapse of Enron went to the jury, but it seems that Ken Lay, the chairman and principal defendant, didnt notice.

A reporter asked him how such an important event escaped his attention.

Well, to tell you the truth, Mr. Lay said, I hardly ever...

Humor 195 Words