Hindu God idols discovering Indian ...

We all enjoy decorating our homes as beautifully as possible, especially when it comes to statues or small sculptures that depict various symbols. Powerfully attracted by the complex history of Buddhist idols, a lot of people have discovered an entire array of objects presented online, included...

Humanities 525 Words

Spring TV Is Over, Let’s Get Crafty!

Now that all your favorite TV shows have ended and summer is upon us, most of us are finding that we have a little time on our hands. Sure, in the era of Netflix, Tivo, and OnDemand TV we might have some of our favorite episodes stored, but who wants to waste even more time sitting in front of...

Poetry 405 Words

Getting Great Photo Prints From Your Digital ...

The first step to getting great digital photo prints, is to make sure you use a good quality digital camera.

Digital photos are gaining popularity over traditional film photos because of the features and convenience associated with the newer technology. In some cases it’s even more...

Photography 430 Words

Get the perfect exposurePart 2

If you are still unsure about getting the correct exposure, there is a cheap but very effective device called an 18% grey card that can limit your frustration, if used correctly.

When light falls upon a certain object; if the object is too dark your camera or meter will automatically...

Photography 292 Words

Planning A Holiday Party? Spice It Up!

Are you tired of the same old boring Holiday parties that everyone else is having? Here are some surefire hits for Christmas parties and other holiday parties with a little more life.

The Cookie Exchange

For this party, each person bakes a pile of Christmas cookies before hand. If...

Poetry 500 Words

Soundtaxi a Professional Review on Making ...

Soundtaxi a Professional Review on Making Short Work File Conversion Needs

Hey you crazy with music? It’s a pretty safe bet that you do, given the marvelous popularity of various music products, of which the now omnipresent ipod is the undisputed market leader. It is by no means...

Music 571 Words

Get the perfect exposure every time!

Did you ever get back a fresh batch of film, only to be disappointed in finding out that you got back wash-out boring images.

The problem is that you didnt expose your film properly.

Whether we use a digital or film camera, we need to be able to calculate exposure properly. But...

Photography 531 Words

Splitting Firewood Faster, Easier And Safer

Does your firewood rack need filled? You could, of course, split the logs by hand with a mallet and wedge. Isnt the old saying true that cutting your own fire wood warms you twice? But, if you would rather be warmed by the wood burning rather than the work of cutting it, a log splitter is a tool...

Poetry 476 Words

Soothing Music: The Native American Flute

Native Americans are eager to share their ancestry with their families and friends. One of the ways they do this is through their music, particularly through the music of the Native American flute. They want to ensure that their children have a strong link with their ancient culture, and music...

Music 394 Words

Plan A Swashbuckling Fun Pirate Party

Pirate themes have always been a fun choice for parties, but even more so now with the popularity of the blockbuster “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies. Johnny Depp has certainly given new life to the fantasy of playing a pirate, adding fun and comedy to the already exciting...

Poetry 544 Words

Splash Up Your Walls With Wall Lettering

One of the latest things in home decor is vinyl wall lettering. I know what your thinking vinyl lettering in my house on my walls. Vinyl lettering is something you might see in an office building, hotel or any other place of business, but in my home. Yes in your home, you have probably seen one...

Poetry 338 Words

Get The Most Out Of Your Camera. (Part 2).

Get The Most Out Of Your Camera. (Part 2).

In part 1 of: Get the most out of your camera, we looked at how to use the aperture and the creative uses of depth-of-field. In this part well look at how to use the shutter button on your camera and how both the shutter and the aperture control...

Photography 454 Words