The Power of Targeted Marketing

Occasionally I read some really compelling information regarding business strategies and I’d like to share with you a concept in the power of targeted marketing that has really caught my attention. The idea in this concept is for a person to focus his/her marketing efforts toward a...

Advertising 331 Words

The Power of a Niche Directory

You know that old saying? Build it and they will come? True, its a line from a 90s baseball movie Field of Dreams, but that adage still holds true in the world of niche directory websites.

It seems that with the advent of some new directory script by some unknown publisher, another...

Advertising 358 Words

The One Thing You Must Do To Skyrocket Your ...

The One Thing You Must Do To Skyrocket Your Fundraiser!

Every fundraiser group struggles with the impossible quest of finding the ultimate all-in-one fundraising idea. However, the best idea doesn’t have to be too crafty. Actually it’s very simple: just have fun! And let...

Advertising 380 Words

The Most Overlooked Free Advertising In The ...

Why would anyone in their right mind pass up an opportunity for free advertising? The answer is, you shouldn’t. Never.

That’s why you need to learn the careful art of press release writing and submission.

The press release is the perfect tool for free publicity. Most...

Advertising 948 Words

The Missing Link

Getting from There to Here

You have spent a lot of time creating an online presence. You have virus protection and maybe a firewall to protect the security of your system, you have located a web host to manage your online presence, then you define the direction of your site and work at...

Advertising 590 Words

The Marketing Concept of Pixel Ads

I believe that most of you have heard about the Million Dollar Homepage and its success story. The web site owner Alex Tew earned a million US dollar in a dramatically short time and brought public attention all over the world by selling pixels on his web site. However, it seems that the pixel...

Advertising 554 Words

The Latest Advertising Craze

With the internet still in its infancy stage, there is always the next big thing when it comes to advertising. The first one was e-mail marketing, the people that started e-mail marketing in the very beginning have made and will continue to make loads of money. If done properly with no spam...

Advertising 438 Words

The hottest new advertising craze to hit the ...

The hottest new advertising craze to hit the Internet – Pixel Ads

I generate traffic to my website through traditional channels such as writing articles, submitting to directories, link exchanges, Search Engines, etc. I also have supplemented this traffic through paid advertising...

Advertising 394 Words

The History Of Flyer Design.

The history of flyer design can be traced back as far as the 16th century to a method of promotion which in itself is a centuries old art and takes the form of poster design. With an improvement in lithograph printing came the birth of the colourful poster as a method to astound as well as...

Advertising 458 Words

The Good Thing Bout Digital Flyer Printing

When you are trying to make people aware of your business, whether you’re selling a new product or opening a new business, a flyer perhaps is one of the cheapest but highly effective ways to attract attention. A flyer is a great way to communicate; it is also a quick and easy tool for...

Advertising 501 Words

The function of the logo

In order to discuss the general function of the logo, we must firstly identify and define the environment where this will have to fulfill its function. The environment is called brand and the definition is as follows: the brand is a collection of ideas and images, a collection that constitutes...

Advertising 398 Words

The Fuller the Postcards, the Better

Postcards, because it uses pictures, must capture every inch of reality and beauty. The angle must be accurate, the dimensions intriguing and the colors full. Just anybody can be swept away by the bright and tempting colors, majestic aura, and crisp texts. Full color postcard printing has been...

Advertising 337 Words