Effective Resume Writing

A lot of places around the world call it A Curriculum Vitae, in North America, it’s a Rsum. This is definitely one of the most important tools that any jobseeker has at their disposal. You may be THE best candidate for a particular job by a long way, however, if you don’t make it to...

Careers 422 Words

Educational Changes in the Field of ...

As the information technology industry has grown, so have the related educational opportunities. Educational curriculum isn’t always the best gauge of industry changes within a particular field, although the rules which make that fact a plainly evident reality for most industries rarely...

Careers 376 Words

Educational Breaking Grounds

With the internet flooding with new knowledge and resources on not just a daily basis, but on a second by second basis, why are we limiting ourselves to the possibilities of a better education outside of the classroom?

It is tradition and ingrained in many adolescents growing up that you...

Careers 441 Words

Eddie Munson Appointed to Bearing Points ...

BearingPoint, one of the largest management and consulting firms of the world, appointed Eddie Munson to its Board of Directors. BearingPoint has more than 17,000 employees and main practice areas that focus on the Financial Services, Public Services and Commercial Services markets. With a long...

Careers 219 Words

Easy Tips To Land A Job Speaking In Public

You can make it easy if you really want to. Although there are those who would give the usual advice of attending a meeting with the famous Toastmasters in order to hone your impromptu speaking skills, this is not as necessary as being aware of yourself and the skills you could objectively...

Careers 426 Words

Easy Template to Write Your Own Cover Letter

The following cover letter sample gives an idea of what most job hunters should do when composing these. It consists of only a very few paragraphs, and is therefore short and easy to read. The reason for this sample being short is simply because hiring managers are extremely busy and will not...

Careers 536 Words

Earning Money from Paid to Surf Programs

Get paid to surf programs were once an easy method of earning money online. Such programs were in the peak during the year 2005. Get paid to surf programs started as means of online advertising. The paid to surf programs warranted registration with a surfing websites and viewing websites of...

Careers 494 Words

Earning Money by Reading Emails

Money can be earned for reading emails if a person has spare time or if he likes to make extra income. There are thousands of websites offering money to read emails. The money earned through reading emails is very low. But, the earning potential is dependent on the number of emails read, as...

Careers 522 Words

Dressing Up For The Success Interview

Prepare and practice for an interview. After the date and venue has been set, allow time for enough preparation for the big day. Remember that first impressions do last, so the way an applicant look really does matter. Employers could easily give the verdict based on the manner of dressing...

Careers 664 Words

Dos And Donts For Executive Job Candidates

Like any process, applying and interviewing for a new job carries with it an unspoken set of rules. Competition for top jobs is tough, so you need to be well prepared and avoid the common CV and interview pitfalls that could lose you a lucrative position.

DO . . .

a) Think about...

Careers 522 Words


Most people do not prepare properly for an interview. A lot of time, energy and money are spent in preparation for the chance to have an interview meeting with a prospective employer. However, little to no preparation is done for the interview itself. Most professionals spend an incredible...

Careers 1479 Words

Dont Skip The Follow Up After An Interview

How to write a thank you letter to use after an interview, a phone interview, or even to someone who passed your name on to a hiring manager is an art that is not taught as often as it should be by placement services and others who help job seekers with finding jobs. They always cover the basics...

Careers 604 Words