Career Change Over 40

As populations in the developed world are growing older and many countries are experiencing a crisis in the pension system, we are facing the prospect of having to work past the usual retirement age. Yet, at the same time, older people are not always welcomed back into the work force. Many also...

Careers 595 Words

Career Change – Develop The Mental ...

Career Change – Develop The Mental Strength To Bring the Change

Advising others to change career sounds very simple and a workable proposition. When it comes to us, it becomes one of the toughest decisions to implement. A career change needs lot of mental preparation. If you have a...

Careers 337 Words

Career Building for Auto Mechanics

Auto mechanics entering the industry today face a wide range of challenges that supercede even the most technologically advanced fields, such as information technology and health care. Keeping pace with the constant myriad of changes that govern automobile mechanics lead many to consider other...

Careers 353 Words

Career Builder: Using Job Boards For More ...

If you are like most job seekers, you have registered your resume on the major online job boards such as Career Builder, Monster,, Headhunter, etc. But are you aware of the plethora of good information and job search tools that are available on these sites in addition to job...

Careers 382 Words

Career- Are You In The Right Seat?

We all have a chair that designates a position in our career. For most of us the position, the responsibilities, the growth prospects and many such factors decide if we are happy in our seat? Sometimes, we may be unaware that another seat may send us much higher in the hierarchy and satisfaction...

Careers 444 Words

Career – Test Your Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is part of every professionals life. To negotiate, means to arrive at an understanding with another person, so that both of you are satisfied with the results. Do you know what is your skill in negotiation? If not, why not test and find out because most of our interactions demand...

Careers 368 Words

Career – Are You Facing Burnout?

Chronic stress over a period of time may make you feel totally helpless and unable to cope up with demands of life. This can cause burn out. When in a job, you feel that you are overburdened, and under appreciated, that the demands of the job are increasing and despite all your efforts you are...

Careers 346 Words

Career A Self Help Guide

Could you hope to live without a career all life despite inheriting a legacy? Career is not just about living out of inherited money, nor is it limited to earning livelihood. Holistically speaking it is the progression of ones working or professional life. Career indeed means a lot these days....

Careers 411 Words

Can You Really Make up to $100,000 per Year ...

Can You Really Make up to $100,000 per Year as a Truck Driver?

You’ve heard about the money to be made by becoming a truck driver. And stop at any truck stop and you’ll notice that there are countless trucking job magazines filled with advertisements from trucking companies...

Careers 850 Words

Can You Really Get Paid To Test Video Games?

Among the flurry of get rich quick schemes and offers on the internet, you might find one telling you that you can “get paid to be a video game tester.” Although a first you might reject this offer, wondering how in the world it is possible to get paid for sitting around all day in...

Careers 393 Words

Can You Get Teachers To Love Admin?

I recently discussed a recurring issue following this question from an employer:

My teachers do an excellent job in the classroom and feedback from students is positive. But when it comes to administrative duties, I find they are lax. Registers are sometimes forgotten, lesson records are...

Careers 343 Words

Can I Work At Home With No Experience?

I see this question asked pretty frequently, and today I’d like to offer some tips about how to get started working at home when you have no experience.

– Consider the experience you do have, whether it’s work or life related. Chances are you know how to do SOMETHING,...

Careers 358 Words