Nokia And Yahoo! Team Up

Well, it was only a matter of time until web search became a hit on cell phones. Yahoo! and Nokia have been working together over the past year to get web and image search results on your cell pone.

This feature is now available in 10 languages on a variety of Nokia phones including the...

Web Development 305 Words

The Top 10 Cell Phone Wallpaper Themes

The technology age is considered by many to be one of the most cold and impersonal. With communications devices that allow for so many people to interact without ever meeting face-to-face, this reputation might just be well earned. When it comes to cell phones, however, there are ways to help...

Web Development 528 Words

Passing Cisco CCNA And CCNP Exams: Ping And ...

Passing Cisco CCNA And CCNP Exams: Ping And Extended Ping

I often tell CCNA and CCNP candidates that you do your best learning when you screw something up. I often get a funny look right after I say that, but the only way to develop your Cisco troubleshooting skills – the skills...

Computer Certification 620 Words

Projector Buying Tips: The Best Projector ...

Technology has always been known to make peoples lives better. In fact, some surveys said that 8 out of 10 people who were interviewed showed significant representation of people who were relieved to have the best technology in their lives.

One of the primary reasons why technology is...

Computers & Technology 570 Words

Online Computer Degrees, The Key To Success?

Computers are a vital business resource in todays market. Where several years ago they were a helpful tool, now they are a necessity. Computers have taken an integral part in both personal and professional life. Because of this, many new computer jobs have opened up. From programming to...

Computer Certification 583 Words

Nokia 6500 Slide – Fortus Mobile Phone ...

Classic Style Let Down By Basic Mistakes

Although initially known more for their candy-style handsets, Finnish manufacturer Nokia has become more synonymous with slide design mobile phones in the last few years, thanks to its 6000 series. With its recently released 6500 Slide which is...

Web Development 577 Words

The Theory Of Meaningless Numbers (TMN01)

What is a meaningless number?

Meaningless numbers are ID and CODE columns which uniquely identify a record in a database table. They were made up by computer programmers, and in traditional programming, they formed the first entry window where you were responsible for remembering that D...

Web Development 1401 Words

Projection Screens Are For Big Audiences

Projection screens are special screens used to project an image for the audience. Movie theatres use projection screens on a wide scale. These screens are used in conferences or home theatres as well. The screens serve different purposes in different places. Therefore they are installed in...

Computers & Technology 420 Words

The Technology In A LCD Monitor

Liquid Crystal display or LCD monitor is a thin and flat device for display. It is made by large number of color or monochromatic pixels which are arrayed in way of a light source or a reflector. It uses very small amount of electric power and hence is used often in battery powered electronic...

Web Development 602 Words

Professional Help with Your Computer May Be ...

Professional Help with Your Computer May Be Cheaper Than You Think

We all deal with them, those little computer problems that arent quite big enough to warrant a call to the Computer Guy. You know, like every once in a while your camera wont transfer its pictures the right way. Or like...

Computers & Technology 464 Words

Nokia 6300 – Fortus Mobile Phone Review

When Nokia created the 6300, it wanted a phone that was both beautiful and simple, and they seem to have achieved this goal beyond all expectations. The Nokia 6300 is elegant in its simple design, whilst possessing more functionality than you would give it credit for, especially since it’s...

Web Development 541 Words

The Tablet PC Is The Next Big Thing In ...

The Tablet PC Is The Next Big Thing In Personal Technology

Have you heard about the tablet PC?

You might as well get used to the term because if high tech experts are right, it’s about to take the computing world by storm.

Of all the personal technology advances...

Web Development 904 Words