Do you find it difficult to read? Try an ...

Do you find it difficult to read? Try an audio book.

There are many people who love fiction, but cant read. Maybe youre one of them. Some people cant read for a physical reason because theyre blind or have bad eyesight, for example while some find reading difficult or strenuous on a...

K-12 Education 328 Words

Do we introduce computers to children?

2 years, 3 years, 6, 8, 12, 15, never, when do we start the process of introducing children to computers? Educators, parents, even gray-haired and learned professors cannot agree. The second question that then arises is whether computer based content positively or negatively affects the learning...

K-12 Education 1568 Words

DIVs vs. Tables

DIVs vs. Tables: What will you choose for your webpage?
Tables have always prompted eye-gouging hissy fits amongst different web designers and accessibility advocates of every stripe. Both the side saddle with myth and have debated in larger part from the conventional ideology.


K-12 Education 556 Words

Detroit Schools Partner for Engineering ...

The Detroit Schools has partnered with local universities to get students thinking about careers in science and engineering. Students at different levels of the Detroit Public Schools are being targeted in a statewide effort to get more women and minorities enrolled in engineering programs. ...

K-12 Education 542 Words

Dallas Schools Focus on Student Safety

Dallas Schools are dedicated to providing the best education possible, while keeping the children safe. Unfortunately, our world has changed in the past few years. It is no longer as safe as it once was to visit other countries, to fly from one city to another (especially the truly large and/or...

K-12 Education 468 Words

Daily Points in Class

Starting your class on the right foot each day is very important to both you and the students. There are certain expectations you will have, be they required materials (texts, folders, gym clothes), basic supplies (pencils/paper), or behaviors (on time, in seats, working on opening activities)....

K-12 Education 486 Words

Creating an In-class Cable TV Network

Ever wonder if you and your students could create your own TV news show? Would you like to have announcements and school/class information available to students all class long? Would you like to avoid those students who were absent constantly asking you, “What did we do in class...

K-12 Education 697 Words

Cleveland Schools Open Applications for New ...

John Hay High School

John Hay High School is poised to host the two newest additions to the Cleveland Schools long list of academically challenging magnet schools. Rather than focusing on only one discipline, John Hay High School will develop two completely separate programs for...

K-12 Education 529 Words

Christmas Customs Around the World

December is well-known for Christmas but do you know how people in countries around the world celebrate it? Here are some customs from various parts of the world.


Greeting – Merry Christmas
Santa’s Name – Santa Claus. Children leave him a piece of...

K-12 Education 1264 Words

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Lead the ...

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Lead the Nation in Preschool Education Programs

One program in Charlotte Schools is focusing on the littlest learners. Recognizing that good learners begin early, education officials have developed an award winning preschool program called Bright...

K-12 Education 533 Words

Cascading Style Sheets 3

CSS3: Changing the face of modern day web designing
In the modern era of regular web development, CSS or Cascading Style Sheets are style sheet languages used for describing presentations of documents that are written in different markup languages. The simplest applications of these style...

K-12 Education 516 Words

Can You Draw a Perfect Hexagon?

It may not sound like a difficult task, but constructing hexagons and other polygons can be a frustrating and daunting task for children and adults. A sketch of a square is fairly simple to make as the corners are familiar right angles that most people have no trouble creating. Every other...

K-12 Education 708 Words