Practice Phrasal Verbs

An idiom is a phrase that has a meaning different from the meanings of its parts. Idiomatic expressions are commonly used and understood slang phrases. An essential kind of idiom is the phrasal verb, a verb whose meaning is changed when a second word is added. The second word is known as a...

Language 201 Words

No – SMALLER is Better!

Which would be easier for you to memorize?

1.) The entire New York telephone book
2.) A small nursery rhyme

If you picked #1, please go away!

Scientific studies have shown that we learn best by absorbing small morsels of information, applying them in a practical...

Language 553 Words

Movies: The Natural Way To Learn a Language

Have you ever wondered how it is possible that you can speak your native language so easily? When you want to express something, correct phrases and sentences just come to you. Most of this process is unconscious.

Stephen Krashen, a professor at the University of Southern California and...

Language 417 Words

Middle School Teacher Finds Key to Making ...

Most teachers have found that getting their students interested in reading is no easy task. But one teacher in Queens Village, N.Y., has found an innovative way to keep students in her sixth-grade class focused and entertained while improving their reading skills.

Bertha Cuascut, a...

Language 301 Words

Memory Techniques To Boost Your Foreign ...

Using Mnemonics in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

So how much vocabulary do you actually need to know before you can “get by” and actually converse in a foreign language? That depends on who you ask, as that tends to vary somewhat.

In his book, “Using Your...

Language 400 Words

Make English Friends

Try to locate a person in your school or area that is a fluent speaker of English, and ask that individual to meet with you on a regular basis in order to practice your English. You will have the chance to ask this native speaker questions about English grammar and pronunciation, while speaking...

Language 399 Words

Learning The Russian Language Today

The Russian language is the most commonly spoken language in Europe. It is a Slavic language whose roots can be traced to Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. Though not as internationally prominent as its days as the official language of the former Soviet Union, it is still the official language of such...

Language 643 Words

Learning the Russian Language

The Russian language is the most commonly spoken language in Europe. It is a Slavic language whose roots can be traced to Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. Though not as internationally prominent as its days as the official language of the former Soviet Union, it is still the official language of such...

Language 643 Words

Learning the Arabic Language

The Arabic language is an ancient tongue that dates back to earlier than the 6th century. It is a language steeped in history, and shrouded in mystery. Today, the Arabic language is the 5th most spoken language on the planet, and it is the official language in many Middle Eastern countries,...

Language 606 Words

Learning Styles And Their Effect On Language ...

Note: This article makes special reference to the effect of learning syles in the learning of Spanish but the principles are valid for all language learning.

Learning Spanish!

How can you best learn Spanish? It depends on your particular approach to learning....

Language 1467 Words

Learning Spanish The Benefits of ...

So youve decided to learn a language good for you! This is a great hobby that gives real results that you can use in your everyday life, whether you are planning a vacation, or want to add diversity to your resume. And with over three hundred and fifty million people in the world speaking...

Language 378 Words

Learning Spanish and the Verb Gustar

If theres one verb that gave me a lot of trouble when I first started learning Spanish grammar that verb was gustar.
Many of the Spanish lessons and Spanish classes that I took in order to learn Spanish only confused me even more
about the use of gustar. Gustar means to be pleasing...

Language 641 Words