Dark Hypnosis man busted & sent to jail

Did you know that “pattern interrupts” are a hypnotist’s secret weapon to getting direct access to someones unconscious mind?

In fact they’re so powerful that many years ago a man, who was eventually caught and sent to jail, was using them to STEAL from tons of...

Psychology 397 Words

Critique and Defense of Psychoanalysis

I am actually not a man of science at all. . . . I am nothing but a conquistador by temperament, an adventurer.

(Sigmund Freud, letter to Fleiss, 1900)

“If you bring forth that which is in you, that which you bring forth will be your salvation”.

(The Gospel of...

Psychology 1386 Words

Common Features of Personality Disorders

Psychology is more an art form than a science. There is no “Theory of Everything” from which one can derive all mental health phenomena and make falsifiable predictions. Still, as far as personality disorders are concerned, it is easy to discern common features. Most personality...

Psychology 681 Words

Commit To Be Happy

Today, why not made a personal commitment to be happy, in spite of what life hands over to you. You have to admit that there are too many things over which you have no control. The only thing you can do is to stop allowing them to make dents in your spirit.

Happiness is not something that...

Psychology 459 Words

Cluster B Personality Disorders

The DSM-IV-TR (2000) defines a personality disorder as:
“An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations the individuals culture (and is manifested in two or more of his or her areas of mental life:) cognition, affectivity,...

Psychology 439 Words

Characteristics of Soul

At the dawn of spring, I am reminded by my children the joy of anticipating new life.

They will usually see a flower or two that has made its way through the soil to a world beyond itself. What starts out as a seedling or bulb is transformed by nature’s capacity to...

Psychology 611 Words

Can’t Quit Gambling? Don’t Bet ...

A preoccupation with gambling may cause some people to risk more than money. They may be gambling their health, happiness and their family’s welfare.

That’s the opinion of experts who define problem gambling as gambling behavior that causes a disruption in any major area of a...

Psychology 336 Words

Can a Dream Tell us of the Future?

Much has been written regarding dreams and their meanings or purpose. Mankind has been fascinated with our dreams since the first dreamer awoke and wondered about what their visions meant. Since ancient times we have looked to our dreams to find signs of what our future holds. The first written...

Psychology 753 Words

Axes of Personality Disorders

Personality disorders are like tips of icebergs. They rest on a foundation of causes and effects, interactions and events, emotions and cognitions, functions and dysfunctions that together form the patient and make him or her what s/he is.
The DSM uses five axes to analyze, classify, and...

Psychology 564 Words

Are You Under Mind Control? Why Not?

How do you determine if you’re under mind control?

It’s an interesting question that you can pass around at a party or among friends.

The fact is that you just don’t know. In fact everything you are doing could be a response that fits perfectly into another...

Psychology 599 Words

Are you afraid to die?

In the free evening you sit comfortably in your armchair and read an exciting book. Suddenly the clock strikes ten and you listen carefully to every strike of it. It seems like these are the last seconds of your life passing by and a strange feeling appears deep down in your gutter, but you are...

Psychology 612 Words