Biotechnology Timeline: Important Events And ...


The Age of biotechnology arrives with somatostatin – a human growth hormone-releasing inhibitory factor, the first human protein manufactured in bacteria by Genentech, Inc. A synthetic, recombinant gene was used to clone a protein for the first...

Science 840 Words


Biotechnology is not a new advancement in the area of science. It actually has been utilized for years, but was not significantly described as biotechnology. In its simple form, biotechnology means utilizing living organisms or their products to revise or change human health or the environment,...

Science 589 Words

Big Bang Booming – Back To The Future

Theoretical cosmologists spend much of their time perfecting what is now known as the ‘Big Bang’ theory. This concept originates from ideas percolating in the minds of scientists, theologians and astronomers down through the ages. However, much of what they consider as proof for the...

Science 1139 Words

Besides Potentially Providing Free Cheap ...

SurfBest provides quality, cheap dial up internet access and a fast dial up internet that enables you to start surfing the web quickly. We are cheap web hosting, domain hosting, budget hosting, reseller hosting, linux hosting, internet Access provider. web hosting, cheap colocation, t1 and...

Science 480 Words

Basic Principles Of Theory Of Evolution

Evolution theory teaches that survival is for the fittest living organism.

What is life? What is fit? And what does it mean to survive?

Well, there are many definitions of course. A useful definition, in scientific perspective, is the one that allow us to analyze myriads things...

Science 457 Words

Ball Bearings Are Flat Another Myth Crushed

What shape are ball bearings? They are shaped like a ball, as everyone knows, right?
The funny thing about what everyone knows is that everyone can be wrong. For instance, everybody thinks that the America’s Cup is an ocean-sailing race, and yet the Swiss managed to win the Cup. For...

Science 507 Words

Artificial Intelligence is 50 years old

Artificial Intelligence as a research field was born in the summer of 1956 during a seminal workshop at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. It was just a year before that when Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, Claude Shannon and John McCarthy proposed that they should hold a workshop...

Science 519 Words

Animals and The Melting Arctic Ice Cap

The arguments for global warming can sound a bit vacuous when discussing temperature changes of only one degree. The impact of the melting Arctic ice cap on animals is much more tangible.

Animals and The Melting Arctic Ice Cap

There is little dispute that the Arctic ice cap is...

Science 379 Words

Ancient Astronauts and Contemporary ...

Over the course of the past year, I closely assisted a colleague in writing a series of ten articles covering diverse aspects of my ancient astronaut theory. All ten of those articles circulated widely around the globe and view counters on many sites indicated plentiful readership, but feedback...

Science 641 Words

An Untapped Source Of Eternal Energy: What ...

An Untapped Source Of Eternal Energy: What Is Solar Energy?

The most exact definition of Solar Energy is plainly the energy from the sun. It is a term used to classify the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun and intercepted by the Earth. It is the worlds most permanent and...

Science 579 Words

An Overview of Wind Farms As An Energy Source

With energy issues becoming a daily subject in the news, wind energy is gaining notoriety. Here is an overview of wind farms and their potential.

An Overview of Wind Farms

A wind farm is simply a collection of wind turbines in a location used to produce electricity. Wind farms...

Science 426 Words

An Overview of the Sun

The Sun is the centerpiece of our solar system, the gravity force that keeps everything together. Here is an overview of this source of our existence.

An Overview of the Sun

The Sun is a star, one of billions in the known universe. It is similar to other stars you see in the night...

Science 349 Words