The History of Previous Currency Unions

I. The History of Monetary Unions

“Before long, all Europe, save England, will have one money”. This was written by William Bagehot, the Editor of “The Economist”, the renowned British magazine, 120 years ago when Britain, even then, was heatedly debating whether...

Currency & Trading 3716 Words

The Function of Money and its Future

Originally exchange took place without the use of money, by barter. Long before money had come into the commercial world people exchanged goods for goods. This system of barter made it possible to satisfy many wants that would otherwise have gone unsatisfied. Barter raised the standard of...

Currency & Trading 674 Words

The forex market exposed, wait until you see ...

The forex market exposed, wait until you see whats inside

Dear Friend,

Forex traders are raking in big profits with low risk high yield, investment strategies that exist only in the foreign currency market. Especially those who have a trained eye that can see excessive profit...

Currency & Trading 474 Words

The Forex Market and Its Success Potential

The Forex market (or Foreign Exchange market) has become one of the most lucrative forms of stock trading in history. Until recently, this market was limited to government banks and lending institutions. Today, any investor can take advantage of this profitable market easily.

The Forex...

Currency & Trading 460 Words

The First Truth About Trading

Take two traders, give them the same starting capital, the same trading platform, the same market and the same trading system with precise rules for entry and exit. Come back a month later and what will you find? One trader will be up 20% and the other down 40%.

Its amazing isnt it, how...

Currency & Trading 563 Words

The Evolution Of The Giant Turtle

You know, its true what they say. The more things change, the more they stay the same! It has been just about three years now, since January of 2003, that I wrote my now classic I Was Wrong article, admitting that trend following was not dead after all. And in the past couple of years, we have...

Currency & Trading 1758 Words

The Benefits of Trading The Forex Market

Historically, the FX market was available most to major banks, multinational corporations and other participants who traded in large transaction sizes and volumes. Small-scale traders including individuals like you and I, had little access to this market for such a long time. Now with the advent...

Currency & Trading 1391 Words

The Benefits of FX Trading

Many people are looking at getting into day trading, and start with studying the Stock Market, and the different stock exchanges. What many dont realize is that there are different markets and financial instruments that one can profit from. One market that has recently become available to the...

Currency & Trading 634 Words

The Basics Of Forex Trading

Forex Trading, also known as FX Trading or Foreign Exchange Trading, is what happens when you trade one nation’s currency for another. For example, if I go to the bank and exchange ten United States dollars for 15 Australian dollars, I have completed a simple Forex trade.

The forex...

Currency & Trading 307 Words

The 7 Undeniable Rules of Forex Trading

Before we go into 7 rules of Forex Trading, that have been approved by a number of full time and successful traders, Id like to narrate this story.

There was a lion, a donkey and a fox all keen to go out rabbit hunting together. After a productive day of hunting, the three of them sit...

Currency & Trading 384 Words

Technical Analysis – Reading FOREX ...

Price charts can be simple line graphs, bar graphs or even candlestick graphs. These are graphs that show prices during specified time frames. These time frames can be anywhere from minutes to years or any time interval in between.
Line charts are the easiest to read, they will show you...

Currency & Trading 586 Words

Strategy of Forex trading

Do you value your time and money? If yes, then Forex is an easy source that will help you to multiply your profit of your business. Forex currency trading is the modus operandi where you can have greater return on your investment. There is no doubt that Forex is considered to be the main player...

Currency & Trading 502 Words