Cosmetic Surgery a review of facial ...

Cosmetic Surgery a review of facial surgery, with personal experiences.

Basic background

Cosmetic surgery consists not just of enhancing someones beauty, but also to help those who have been badly damaged in an accident or who have physical birth defects. Many believe that women...

Beauty 1322 Words

Cosmetic Procedures South of The Border

Cosmetic surgery is rarely covered by health insurance, which makes it a pricey decision. Cosmetic surgery in Mexico can be undertaken cheaply and safely.

Cosmetic Procedures South of The Border

Deciding to have cosmetic surgery is a big step. You need to carefully decide whether...

Beauty 501 Words

Skin Care – Decreased Perspiration

Perspiration is important for our health to keep the normal body temperature. Some of us suffer from excess perspiration, while some of us have very low perspiration or no perspiration.

Perspiration either excessive or very low both are bad. Excessive perspiration unless a disease causes...

Beauty 244 Words

Cosmetic Procedures in Thailand

Thailand is called the land of smiles and for a good reason. Like all medical care, cosmetic surgery in Thailand is inexpensive and of a high quality.

Cosmetic Procedures in Thailand

Cosmetic surgery can be an expensive and time consuming experience. When choosing to have a...

Beauty 531 Words

Skin Care – Control Body Odor

Sweat controls our body temperature. Sweat also is responsible for body odor. When bacteria react with sweat, it produces odor. Similarly pheromones that are emitted by apocrine glands also have an odor. Let us find out how to control excess sweat and control body odor.

Skin care- how...

Beauty 428 Words

Cosmetic Procedures in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a land of soaring mountains, stunning lakes and beautiful beaches. Now you can personalize some of that beauty by getting cosmetic procedures in Costa Rica.

Cosmetic Procedures in Costa Rica

Cosmetic surgery has become a billion-dollar industry in the United States....

Beauty 457 Words

Skin Aging–Are You Speeding Up The ...

It’s no secret that our society is obsessed with looking young. As baby boomers turn 60, statistics show the U.S. market for anti-aging products and services is “growing at an average growth rate (AAGR) of 9.5%, this market will reach nearly $72 billion by 2009″*. While science...

Beauty 411 Words

Cosmetic Procedures in Brazil

Many people think of body sculpture as an American interest. In truth, it is world wide as seen when discussing cosmetic procedures in Brazil.

Cosmetic Procedures in Brazil

Cosmetic surgery is a phenomenon that is sweeping the world. If you are unhappy with the way your face or...

Beauty 467 Words

Skin – Stretch Marks Avoidance

Stretch marks are not for women only. They affect many teenagers and body builders. What are stretch marks? The fine lines that change in color over a time and appear on different parts of body generally after pregnancy or after sudden weight increase are Stretch marks.

Skin care...

Beauty 357 Words

Cosmetic procedures by laser

Nowadays, people are very preoccupied with their appearance. Some are even obsessed with how they look and science is there to take care of their needs. Everyone wants to look good and young, but the fear of operations keeps them away from making their dreams come true. Their fear is rational...

Beauty 867 Words

Skin – Excess Sweating Treatments With ...

If you sweat excessively, you have got many treatment options. They include use of antiperspirants, Iontophoresis, Botox injections, surgery and other medications. Out of these antiperspirants are the first lines of treatment because they are noninvasive. Let us learn more about how to use...

Beauty 386 Words

Cosmetic Dentists

Beauty might be only skin-deep. However, it is given a lot of value in certain fields such as modeling, and acting. Since everyone is not born with the same level of perfection, enhancing the best features is one way to look stunning. One such feature in the body that can be enhanced to...

Beauty 481 Words