What Is Low Blood Pressure?

Apart from the technical interpretation, low blood pressure is a sort of disease that saps energy from all parts of your body and mind. Your spirits are down and your body starts shivering. You get a feeling of sinking and you need a rescue mission immediately!!

Blood pressure is the...

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What Are Different Types of Blood Pressure ...

Are you looking for Blood Pressure Monitors? This article will give you comprehensive information about all types of blood pressure monitors.Taking your blood pressure and keeping a record of the measurements is important. It will give you and your doctor information, how much your blood...

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Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack

Many individuals who experience signs of a heart attack allow them to go unnoticed. Ignoring the tale-tell signs of a heart attack can cause the problem to be much more serious than necessary, potentially leading to heart failure and even death.

If you think you are experiencing a heart...

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Using Improper Size Blood Pressure Cuffs, ...

Using Improper Size Blood Pressure Cuffs, May Prove A Big Mistake!

Blood Pressure has something to do with the personality of an individual. Obese personalities have a higher rate of blood pressure. Their suffering and style of hypertension is different from that of the ordinary people....

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Treating And Preventing Heart Problems

If you’re a senior or love someone who is, take heart. A new study is shedding light on ways to help older Americans keep healthier longer. According to the study, thousands of heart attacks, strokes and deaths could be prevented if patients used prescription blood-pressure medicine....

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Trans Fats are Another Cause of High Blood ...

When the demand for butter exceeded the ability of farmers to supply this desirable fat … the search for a substitute started us on a road to trans fats, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Not until 20 years ago did we finally discover the dangers of trans fats.

How Did...

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Top 10 Tips for Better Heart Health

Valentine’s Day makes February a natural for American Heart Month. How can you make sure your heart will keep going pitter-patter, without going kerplunk? Let us count the ways…

Here are our top 10 tips for a healthy ticker:

1. Fill up on fiber. Not only does fiber help...

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Tips For Reducing Your Risk

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the number-one killer of Americans in the U.S.

Most Americans are unaware that taking precautionary measures such as consuming a healthy diet, managing stress levels and getting adequate physical activity can go a long way in...

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Three miles in 30 days running program..

This running program consist of three main parts, first fat burning this program will for sure burn fat. Second endurance you will have a much better breathing pattern during and after this workout over the next 30 days. Third, the shape of your body will change regardless of whatever it looks...

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The Strong Link Between Stress And Blood ...

As you know, there is a direct connection between stress and blood pressure. A stressful lifestyle is generally accepted to be a major cause of hypertension and a host of other illnesses.

In fact, people are often not very surprised when they learn that someone in a high-profile,...

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The Organ We Love – How The Heart Works

Being the strongest muscle in the body, the hearts purpose is to pump blood through our blood vessels through rhythmic contractions. To regulate blood pressure and volume, the heart secrets “ANF”, which is a very powerful peptide hormone. It affects the regulatory region of the...

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The Best Diet For High Blood Pressure

If your nurse or doctor measures your blood pressure at 140/90 then you suffer from hypertension. Many adults and even some children have high blood pressure. It is very important to get proper treatment to control your high blood pressure. Diet for high blood pressure patients has to be healthy...

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