Cancer Courage and Love

Everyday we hear of people dealing with incredible sadness and loss and we wonder; how do they do it? Where do they find the courage the strength? We may even ask ourselves how we would cope under the circumstances. Sadly, we only become aware of the answer, when tragedy visits us and our own...

Disease & Illness 645 Words

Can Periodontal Gum Disease Be Reversed?

Can periodontal gum disease be reversed? The answer is yes, if you begin early enough and are diligent. More advanced periodontal gum disease may still be reversed, but it will take some special cleaning provided by your dentist to give you a fighting chance.

Adopting a strenuous daily...

Disease & Illness 460 Words

Can Alzheimer’s Be Prevented?

Alzheimers disease is a condition affecting up to 4.5 million Americans. While there is no known cure, studies have been conducted that indicate there may be ways of preventing the onset of Alzheimers disease.

The disease is characterized by symptoms such as forgetfulness, memory loss,...

Disease & Illness 607 Words

Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness characterized by the inability to regulate emotions. According to various online sources, this disorder affects women primarily with an onset during adolescence.

Patients with BPD demonstrate constant emotional instability...

Disease & Illness 406 Words

Bons Plans pour Mariage Express

Encore jeune et pas fortun, pourquoi se privez de ce que la vie vus offre de plus prcieux pour fonder une famille? Le mariage.

Alors qu’un mariage sur le vieux continent s’value entre 10 000 et 15 000 euros, las Vegas vous offre des prestations pour dix fois moins cher, et en...

Disease & Illness 584 Words

Bone Breaking Disease Osteoporosis

It is normal for the bones to erode as we age. But for some people, the bones become so fragile that they break down under the bodys own weight. This causes hip, spine and forearm fractures. This disease is known as osteoporosis. This disease is more common amongst women then men. This is due to...

Disease & Illness 717 Words

Blackjack Strategy Tips: How to Win in ...

Blackjack is one of the few casino games that are beatable in the long run. It means that by using a basic blackjack strategy you can have an advantage over the casino and eventually step away from the blackjack table as a winner. Here you can find the basic blackjack strategy explained in a...

Disease & Illness 674 Words

Blackjack: Learn How to Become a Champion

Learn How to Play and Win Blackjack after practicing some basic steps that can be learn easily. Blackjack is one of the more easier card games that you will come across, and its basic concept is simple: get 21 as the sum of your cards or get as close to 21 but higher than the sum of your...

Disease & Illness 620 Words

Bird Flu Vaccines: What is Taking So Long?

With the current development of a vaccine for the H5N1 strain of the Bird Flu Virus still 2 to 3 years away. We dont have much of a choice but to really be very cautious that the H5N1 strain does not mutate with a human flu virus.

If the outbreak we fear does happen without the vaccines...

Disease & Illness 455 Words

Bird Flu No Risk To Poultry Consumers

News about avian influenza–often called bird flu–is everywhere these days. But American consumers needn’t worry. Experts at the American Meat Institute in Washington, D.C., say they can continue to enjoy their meals with confidence because U.S. poultry is among the healthiest...

Disease & Illness 436 Words

Bird Flu Is In The U.S.!

In that great Hitchcock thriller, the birds start attacking Tippi Hedron (Melanie Griffith’s mom, for trivia fans) in Mendocino for no particular reason.Today, Ms. Hedron works actively in films, international relief efforts and for animal causes.She may get an ironic opportunity to...

Disease & Illness 658 Words

Bird Flu Information and Update

Laboratory tests have confirmed that bird flu was the cause of death of a middle-aged Indonesian male in November 2005. The man was the 14th fatality of bird flu infections in Indonesia, and the ninth bird flu case confirmed by the World Health Organization after the case was sent by local...

Disease & Illness 606 Words