Tinea Versicolor A Fungal Skin Infection

It is a common problem with no serious or permanent ill-effects. Tinea Versicolor is a fungus which mainly affects adolescent or teenagers skin. This occurs due to heavy growth of the yeast on the skin surface. When such kind of a growth occurs it causes uneven skin color, scaling which can be...

Medicine 447 Words

Thrush: Cause And Cure

Candida Albicans is one of the many organism living in the human body. These organisms live in about 80 percent of the human population. Thrush can be present in different parts of the human body including the colon, vagina, stomach, throat, mouth and rectum. Candida Albicans does not pose any...

Medicine 595 Words

Thinning Hair – Causes And Solutions

To begin with and learn about what thinning hair is, you have to know what causes it. There are damages that are caused by oxidation and free radicals. The damages caused by these areas effect the hair, scalp and skin as far as thinning hair goes.

You can counteract these problems that...

Medicine 408 Words

Think Twice About Going To The Emergency ...

Think Twice About Going To The Emergency Room For Back Pain

With low back pain being the number reason why millions of Americans miss work, you would think hospitals around the country would be more compassionate with people who suffer from chronic low back pain. Being a chronic pain...

Medicine 542 Words

Things You Should Know Before Taking Lunesta

Lunesta is a relatively new sleeping medication. It has been approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) to treat insomnia for the long term.

Many people have submitted positive testimony in regards to the quality of the Lunesta and its effectiveness in treating insomnia. There are...

Medicine 442 Words

Things You Should Know Before Taking ...

Fluoxetine hydrochloride is an antidepressant drug used medically in the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, premenstrual dysphoric disorder and panic disorder.

Fluoxetine is also used to treat many other conditions, such as ADHD. It is sold under the...

Medicine 591 Words

Things You Need To Know About Gastric Bypass ...

Gastric bypass is a kind of surgical interference that is mostly used for significant weight loss if you are over weight. This surgical interference reduces your calorie intake. After the surgery, stomach will be small and you feel full faster to reduce amount of food. Part of stomach with small...

Medicine 393 Words

They Said – Asbestos Was Safe…

Any material that contains less than one percent asbestos is considered non-regulated. Experts estimate that there has been an 83 percent increase in imports of asbestos brakes and brake material over the past 10 years. IJOEH provides essential background material for the fight for a global...

Medicine 405 Words

Therapy And Treatment No Longer Tabu

A keystone of one of televisions most popular series is the practice of therapy in HBOs The Sopranos. The Sopranos manages to address the biases and benefits of therapy and treatment while also combining clear-cut, unavoidable realities as to its effectiveness and the reasons why it seems to be...

Medicine 358 Words

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage is the use of massage to heal mental and bodily aches and strains. Also known as manipulative therapy, therapeutic massage provides physical and psychological benefits. Physically, the effects of massage include injury healing, pain management and circulation improvement. The...

Medicine 730 Words

The Uses Of Noni Juice

Noni is characterized as a small tree or shrub that is known to grow in shady forests and rocky or sandy shores. Noni juice, which derives from noni, is believed to have beneficial healing agents that are thought to contain fevers, help to treat certain types of skin and eye problems, as well as...

Medicine 422 Words

The Two Sides of Medicine

Throughout time there have always been two opposing points of view as to how to maintain good health, or how to regain it after having lost it. This
conflict has continued since ancient times … and no doubt will continue well into the future.

One ‘side’ believes...

Medicine 1395 Words