Getting To The Heart Of The Matter On Health

Here’s some news you can take to heart: Experts say more than 70 million Americans currently live with a cardiovascular disease. And coronary heart disease is a leading cause of premature, permanent disability in the U.S. workforce.

Fortunately, there are practical steps you can...

Cardio 337 Words

Youthful And Vibrant Skin

Billions are spent each year on cosmetic products that promise to delete wrinkles, lighten age spots, and eliminate itching, flaking, or redness. But the simplest and cheapest way to keep your skin healthy and youthful looking is to stay out of the sun.

Sunlight is a major cause of...

Beauty 469 Words

Benefits And Importance Of Ashtanga Namaskar ...

This asana is also known as Surya Namaskar Asana or Sun Salutation Asana. It is a combination of 12 postures and each posture provides its unique benefits. The essence of this asana is salutation of the Sun god, which is power source of all the energy in this world. So in process to salute the...

Yoga 451 Words

Yoga: The Alternate RouteTo A Stress-Free ...

If you are searching for a proven means to attain a healthy body in a healthy mind, then this time-tested system is for you. It is intensively researched and molded into a combined system by the Indian gurus down the ages. Be it spiritual, mental or physical, this technique can be practiced by...

Health & Fitness 581 Words

The Facts About Menopause

Menopause is related to women who are advanced in age. This is the time in their life when the menstruation cycle stops. Many people also refer to menopause as the change of life. The ovaries stop producing estrogen, which is the female hormone, marking the end of childbearing years....

Womens Issues 481 Words

Get To Know The Physical Symptoms Of High ...

Get To Know The Physical Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

Hypertension can sometimes confuse both the patient and the doctor for a couple of reasons. One, the physical symptoms of high blood pressure can vary quite widely. And secondly, it shares many symptoms with other diseases or...

Cardio 397 Words

Incorporating Vitamins And Nutritional ...

Incorporating Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements Into A Healthy Weight Loss Program

Many people incorrectly assume that using vitamins and nutritional supplements is an easy deal — that you can use these products without giving their use much thought. In point of fact, when it...

Supplements 414 Words

Breaking the Rules on How to Get Erection ...

Breaking the Rules on How to Get Erection with Levitra

Decrease in sexual urges can lead to various untold situation. It brings halt to your normal life and your relation with your partner may proof to be serious and sometimes you may be on a verge of a break up. Sexual dysfunction...

Mens Issues 368 Words

How to Save Money on Beauty Products

Every season, theres always a new must-have (or at least must try) beauty product that comes out — the newest color palette in make-up, the latest in skin care, new scents, etc., etc. Beauty junkies know not to resist these temptations because you never know what amazing new product you...

Beauty 506 Words

How To Change Your Eating Habits To Lose 10 ...

How To Change Your Eating Habits To Lose 10 Pounds

You look in the mirror and dont have a problem with your appearance, except for slight chubbiness. Standing on the scale proves your guess: youve gained 10 extra pounds.

Maybe youve heard stories about men and women whove lost many...

Weight Loss 512 Words

Stress, Anxiety and Weddings

Weddings. We’ve all seen them. Some of us have been to one or two of them. A few probably have participated in one. However, none of us can really know what it feels like to get married until the moment arrives when one sits at the altar, with half your instincts telling you to run to the...

Health & Fitness 613 Words

Yoga, Tai Chi, and the State of Zen

Some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to mind, what they eat. For my part, I mind my belly very studiously, and very carefully. For I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else.–Samuel Johnson (poet, essayist, biographer,...

Health & Fitness 611 Words