Things you should know to protect from STDs ...

Things you should know to protect from STDs or Sexually transmitted diseases

Most of the women die of poor reproductive health as a result of unwanted pregnancies or because of sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted disease, as the term indicates is any sort of venereal...

Womens Issues 424 Words

How To Solve Male Impotence Naturally

Male impotence affects a small portion of the population, about 10% or so. But until just recently those figures were largely kept quiet due to embarrassment or

reluctance to admit a problem exists. It’s a guy thing of course.

There is a natural solution to male impotence...

Mens Issues 405 Words

How to Successfully Shed Unwanted Pounds

Losing weight is easy these days, what with the many weight loss plans and diets that have been formulated for those wanting to have a slimmer and healthier figure. One will not have a hard time losing weight with these options.

One of the more popular among them is the South Beach diet,...

Weight Loss 398 Words

Successful Cocaine Treatment for your loved ...

Effective Cocaine Treatment begins with the admission of any level of addiction by the addict. The addict themselves very rarely reach for help on their own. They seem to simply race toward death as fast as they can. When the addiction is recognized or even suspected by a family member, the...

Health & Fitness 654 Words

How To Stick To A Routine To Lose 10 Pounds

How To Stick To A Routine To Lose 10 Pounds

You know why youre reading this youve made a bold and scary decision to lose 10 pounds. You’re doing it for better health and more self-confidence…both you can get from shedding extra weight.

But losing weight is not instant,...

Weight Loss 666 Words

Things You Should Know About A Molar ...

Pregnancy is an exciting time for any woman, but with the many pregnancy complications out there, it can also be scary for first time mothers. It has been reported that one in every thousand pregnancies in the U.S. is a molar pregnancy, which makes it one of the most common pregnancy...

Womens Issues 376 Words

Natural Cholesterol Control Supplements

The body needs cholesterol for digesting dietary fats, making hormones, building cell walls, and other important processes. The bloodstream carries cholesterol in particles called lipoproteins that are like blood-borne cargo trucks delivering cholesterol to various body tissues to be used,...

Supplements 331 Words

Dhyana Yoga (meditation) for soul awakening.

A human life is a priceless gift of God. The Lord does not have a greater gift than this to give his beloved creatures. Its specialties and potentials are so extraordinary that its results can only amaze us. This gift has been given to us to fulfill divine goals. But it is our ill-fate that we...

Yoga 2233 Words

Substitution and Balance: The Key to ...

A 2004 study on weight-loss showed that only 31 percent successfully lost extra pounds and maintained their target body weight. Compared to unsuccessful dieters, people who succeeded in their weight loss program were more likely to do the following: weigh themselves daily; plan their meals;...

Health & Fitness 789 Words

Your Prescription For Sinus Headache Reflief

Prevention is better than cure. Well said and well understood! But there are certain types of headaches, which are part and parcel of you; gifted to you by birth! Sinus headache is one of them, unfortunately.

Many say about sinus, that which can not be cured, must be endured!’ You...

Medicine 387 Words

You Should Make Walking An Every Day Priority

No one needs to be reminded that the fitness craze has arrived in full bloom and hints to us that it’s not going away anytime soon.

For the more, shall we say, “leisurely” type of person, this can cause a lot of guilt. “I’m going to start walking — next...

Health & Fitness 558 Words

Littman Stethoscopes – Special ...

Littman Stethoscopes – Special Outstanding Features Of the Littman Stethoscope

When it comes to health and the dignostic instruments and tools that are required to service health, the factors of quality, precision and accuracy are of the highest priority.

For the medical...

Cardio 464 Words