Muscle Fiction

If you’v been training, here’s a short list of bodybuilding fiction.

1. 12 Rep rule

Most weight training program include this much repetitions for gaining muscle. The truth is this approach places the muscles with not enough tension for effective muscle gain. High...

Supplements 540 Words

You Can Recover From Chemical Sensitivities ...

I used to have severe reactions to fragrances and many other chemicals in our air. I was practically allergic to everything, including lots of foods and pollen. For a while there, I was housebound.

First, I bought an air purifier that had a filter made with coconut shell carbon and...

Medicine 355 Words

Stuttering Therapy Course

There are many types of therapy for stuttering available these days, in this article I describe life after overcoming a stutter. I hope you enjoy the read.

My name is Steve Hill and I had a speech impediment known as stuttering from the age of four. The stutter continued to have a...

Health & Fitness 337 Words

Bliss Sheath: Samadhi (trance), heaven and ...

Bliss Sheath: Samadhi (trance), heaven and the door of salvation

The last but extremely important sheath (5 covering layers of a living being) is the Bliss Sheath. When this sheath is uncovered, not only does the living being come very close to God but that it becomes God Himself. The...

Yoga 4086 Words

How to Prevent Child Obesity

In America today, it is estimated that over 65% of the population is overweight with around 30% being at least clinically obese. Even more alarming is the estimation that 15% to 20% of the countrys children are overweight with nearly one third being at least clinically obese.

Now more...

Weight Loss 513 Words

The Truth About Hair Removal

When hairs thrive on parts where it should not be seen, or when it creates an impression of hideousness according to the tenets of fashion and trend in the society,it becomes an absolute veto on its true sense.

For this reason, more and more people are engaging into cosmetic enhancements...

Womens Issues 602 Words

Instant Teeth Straightening Is Good News for ...

Let’s face it, looks mean everything to teenagers – and a crooked, stained or misshapen smile can only add to the insecurities that challenge their confidence.

If your teen is in need of a smile makeover, braces may not be the answer you’re looking for. The orthodontics...

Beauty 268 Words

Girlfriend Gift Ideas

Whether youre buying for the holidays, birthdays or special occasions, girlfriend gift ideas can be hard to come buy. Heres a list of top gift ideas.

Girlfriend Gift Ideas

Unless this is your first girlfriend, Ill assume you know jewelry tops the list of best girlfriend gift...

Mens Issues 405 Words

You Must Know Side Effects Of Steroids!

Its really must for you to know the side effects of steroids, if your regular user of steroids. The side effects of steroids are mainly linked to steroid abuse or over dose. There are a number of side effects of steroids, if they are used wrongly and for wrong purposes.

Steroids are...

Health & Fitness 337 Words

Yellow Teeth – Need For A Makeover

Yellow teeth or cavities in your teeth may not be such an appealing thing if you happen to smile to a person; you have met for the first time. It may be considered bad oral hygiene than anything else. With the arrival of new toothpaste which only claim to drive away all your cavities with no...

Medicine 443 Words

How to Prepare for Liposuction

The American Association of Plastic Surgeons recommends that patients undergo a series of physical examinations before the liposuction surgery. The purpose of these exams is to determine whether or not the patient is in good enough health to have the procedure performed, and to rule out any...

Weight Loss 488 Words

Generic Viagra for Erectile Dysfunction

Generic Viagra is an effective treatment for male erectile dysfunction, or ED, is also known as impotence.Generic Viagra helps men consistently get and keep an erection when they become sexually stimulated.Generic Viagra is the FDA-Approved drug for the treatment of men who have difficulty...

Mens Issues 436 Words