British Gardens during the Roman Years

To get a good picture of Romano-British gardens of antiquity, we must consider their prototypes in Italy. Horticulture in primitive Italy, as in other countries, was at its beginning merely intended for practical purposes. Gradually the Latin word hortus, applied in the days of republican...

Gardening 352 Words

Bring The Smell Of Nature Into Your Home ...

Bring The Smell Of Nature Into Your Home With These Fragrant Flowers

A lot of money is spent in this country to reproduce fragrances for perfumes and air fresheners. The majority of these manufactured fragrances have alcohol and other additives that can actually irritate the membranes in...

Gardening 592 Words

Boost Yield by Adding CO2 to Your Hydroponic ...

Low carbon dioxide (CO2) measures will limit your plant’s capacity to create energy through photosynthesis. Crops can process a great deal more CO2 than is normally found in the surroundings. One of the best ways to boost growth is to enhance the quantity of CO2 available to your crops...

Gardening 423 Words

Bonzai Tree Seeds

There are several varieties of Bonzai Trees available at Bonzai nurseries, but these can be very expensive. Another option for growing your own Bonzai Trees is to start them from seeds. Though you may not be able to reproduce the exact tree that you see in the nursery, you can create a miniature...

Gardening 386 Words

Bonsai Trees / Plants and Shops

My Bonsai adapts within two days to changes in positions of light (the stalk/branches always bend towards the light for efficient photosynthesis – and growth)

My bonsai also has some arial roots and completely holds all the soil in its tiny pot, it grows incredibly quickly and can...

Gardening 1104 Words

Bonsai Trees

What are Bonsai trees?

Many people think of tiny little Japanese trees cut and pruned to a miniature size but literally speaking Bonsai means plant in a tray and while they are smaller than their wild counterparts they dont have to be a couple of inches tall; they can be grown in a pot...

Gardening 459 Words

Bonsai Soil And Additives

Should I use a special Bonsai soil or just normal soil?

The increased popularity of growing Bonsai trees and plants has brought with it many more specialist shops; the Internet being virtually awash with Bonsai supplies. As a beginner, it is usual for people to go out and buy everything...

Gardening 411 Words

Bonsai Plant Care

Bonsai plants are very similar to Bonsai trees in so far as if you give them a lot of care and attention and keep them healthy you will get a beautiful miniature plant in return. There are many different varieties of plant that you can use to create Bonsai plants. Some plants require very...

Gardening 418 Words

Bonsai Care

What are the basics of effective Bonsai care.

Caring for your Bonsai tree involves many of the same activities associated with caring for a pot plant or an indoor plant. Well developed and healthy fibrous roots are essential for the continued good health of your Bonsai tree and repotting...

Gardening 419 Words

Blue Flowers Add Style and Color to any ...

Blue flowers are some of the most striking plants around and can add a rich splash of color to any garden. Plant them in a cluster of all blue or mix them in with other flowers for a rainbow of color.

When planting flowers, it is important to remember to follow the instructions on the...

Gardening 495 Words

Black Lace-A Flower That Offers Beauty and ...

Good design not only makes the inside of your home more lovely, it can also take bloom in your garden. And, since plants cost a fraction of the price of new furniture, outdoor decorating can be a lot easier on the wallet. Here are some ideas you may want to cultivate.

Both interior...

Gardening 481 Words

Beware of Toxic Mulch

Mulching beds has become extremely popular these days, and mulch can be really beneficial to your plants and the soil in your planting beds, but there are things you need to watch for.

Here in Ohio the most popular type of mulch that people use is shredded hardwood bark mulch, which is a...

Gardening 806 Words