Strengthen Your Child’s Self Esteem

Most parents want their children to have a healthy sense of self-esteem and many believe that low self-esteem lies at the bottom of many of society’s problems.

Even though self-esteem has been studied for decades, its precise nature and development is still subject to debate....

Parenting 947 Words

Stop Lying Now

Do you have a consistent problem with your child lying to you, even though he or she is normally a good child? Sometimes the lies are even about things that dont really matter or your child continues to lie in the face of overwhelming proof to the contrary?

It is my firm belief that we...

Parenting 919 Words

Statistics on Children Hit by Cars

In the early 1970s, almost 9 out of 10 children living within one mile of school mainly used active transportation to get to school. However, that figure has drastically changed. As of 2001, only 63% of children used that same mode to travel the same distance to school. This decline has been...

Parenting 364 Words

Start Your Child’s Education Early

Studies have shown that the most important period of a childs life is their first five years. Children are capable of learning from a very early age, so it is ideal to expose them to a nurturing and educational environment during those years. By providing an environment that is fun-filled,...

Parenting 476 Words

Standardized Testing Teaching Tips

Standardized tests can be very stressful for children. Here, therefore, are some tips for parents and children that may help.

Before the Test…for Parents and Children

1. Have children study every night during the year so they will understand the material as their teacher is...

Parenting 303 Words

Stammering Toddler

Some parents have the shock of hearing their young child start stammering as a toddler. I am somebody who runs a speech centre in Birmingham, England, I now help people to achieve fluency.

I met a lady who was thirty and her little boy aged four had been stammering for quite a while. She...

Parenting 282 Words

Spitting Up And Other Joys Of Motherhood

If you have a newborn, he or she is going to spit up. Some babies do it more than others, but they all do it. There are several reasons why, and some things you can do to minimize spitting up.

Newborns spit up more than older babies, in part because their esophagus is not mature yet, and...

Parenting 526 Words

Spelling Games for Kids

The following spelling games can be used by parents — or teachers — to reinforce spelling in children.


Play any game that is normally played with dice with the child — Monopoly, for example. The parent can...

Parenting 765 Words

Special Occasion Baby Wear

Finding special suits for baptisms, christenings, and other ceremonies

Religious ceremonies, celebrations, and occasions are a big part of a newborn babys life in many families. Naming ceremonies, christenings, baptisms, and dedications ceremonies carry a degree of importance in the lives...

Parenting 444 Words

Special Natural Skin Care For Babies

We spend hours and countless amounts of money on our own personal skin care, trying different lotions and potions to find the perfect product for our needs. Our babies deserve the same special attention when selecting skin care products as well.

Babies and little children seldom actually...

Parenting 310 Words

Special Baby Clothes For Those Special Days

Baby clothes are a necessity more than anything else, but there are a couple of special occasions that make the baby the center of attention. It is moments like this that the mother’s keen sense of fashion gets to shine. Here, the fact that the baby will undoubtedly grow out of the outfit...

Parenting 556 Words

Some Unusual Causes Of Sudden Infant Death ...

On the list of horrifying things that can happen to a family, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is near the top. SIDS occurs when a baby between the ages of one and six months mysteriously dies in its sleep.

There are several causes for SIDS, and more are being discovered each year....

Parenting 554 Words