Memories Not Made: Spending More Time With ...

You are busy. I know. Working all of the time to “provide” for your family. Trying to “make ends meet” and acquiring all of that stuff you want. Just keep in mind what you may be giving up in the processthe precious memories you fail to create with your...

Parenting 678 Words

Meet the Twixters!

There is a new stage of development for parents to consider.

The stages of development are roughly the following: children move from infancy, to early childhood and onwards to middle childhood. These stages take roughly the first ten or so years of life. Our children then move into a long...

Parenting 612 Words

Measuring For Children’s Patterns

At one point or another in your sewing career, you have likely put together a cute little outfit for your son or daughter, only to have it a little tight in the chest, or the arms are just a tad short. A lot of that can be avoided if you know how to take the right measurements prior to making...

Parenting 633 Words

Match-Safety Tips for Parents and Children

Americans use more than 500 billion matches per year to light anything from birthday candles to campfires. Watching their parents light candles, gas stoves or barbecues, children

often become fascinated with the allure of dancing flames and sparks.

Because children have a natural...

Parenting 260 Words

Managing Social Anxiety In Children With ...

As a parent with an autistic child, you want to do everything you can to protect your child. We dont want to place our children in circumstances that scare them, however, setting your child up in a program or providing them with social activities can help them to learn how to manage their social...

Parenting 524 Words

Managing Parental Stress

Being a parent is not easy, but it is a great challenge. After all, we are responsible for helping, raising and educating our children from the stage of a baby into the stage of adulthood. Although they move on into adulthood, we never stop being parents and always want to make sure that they...

Parenting 1162 Words

Managing Fatigue After Your Baby Is Born

Those days right after your baby is born can be grueling. Youre likely in some pain from the delivery, and the baby is keeping you up all night. Here are some tips to help you cope in those first few weeks.

Let some things go
Prepare yourself ahead of time to focus on yourself and...

Parenting 394 Words

Making The Right Entertainment Choices

America’s children are avid consumers of movies, music and video games. But sometimes their entertainment choices may not be appropriate for them. How is a parent to make sure that the latest hit movie, hot video game or chart-busting album is right for their child?

The Coalition of...

Parenting 332 Words

Make Valentines With Your Kids

Homemade Valentines are great for your kids to give to the really special people in their lives like Grandmas and Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles, brothers and sisters, best friends and of course, Daddy! But unless you start them at Halloween, we suggest you stick to boxed cards for all their friends...

Parenting 384 Words

Make Cleanup Time Fun For Moms And Toddlers

Each day, toddlers everywhere enjoy playtime activities that engage their natural curiosity and allow them to demonstrate their fun-loving enthusiasm. But as every parent knows, when the playtime ends, the much-needed task of cleanup begins. Moms can help toddlers ease cleanup time hesitation by...

Parenting 596 Words

Make A Chart

All parents look for creative ways to guide their children in the process of learning new skills and putting away childish habits. Parents try all kinds of systems to make discipline in their homes easier. One of the easiest, cheapest and most effective ways that I’ve found to help...

Parenting 414 Words

Looking For Enuresis Information Find Out ...

Looking For Enuresis Information Find Out About The Enuresis Alarm

Enuresis is the term that doctors use when they are talking about bedwetting. Bedwetting that occurs during the night is called nocturnal and this conditions affects people of all ages. It is quite common for young...

Parenting 543 Words