Adoption Is An Option

If a couple has been trying for sometime to conceive and have done everything they could to do so, then maybe they could consider adoption.

There are so many babies and children in the world looking for a mother and father. Couples can choose to adopt a child in their home country or one...

Parenting 340 Words

Adoption Agency Selection Checklist

It was March of 1996 that the first draft of this checklist was placed online. It has been used by thousands since then and, with the feedback received since 1996, it has been shortened and simplified. There are now 5 questions most easily answered by using the yellow pages, or other agency...

Parenting 769 Words

Adoption – The Ultimate in Red Tape

An associate of mine finds it very interesting that any couple in this world, no matter how rich or poor, no matter what they do for a living, no matter if they have a criminal record or not, no matter what kind of persons they are, can have as many kids as they like and nobody can say one word...

Parenting 839 Words

Acknowledging Your Emotion: Why is it ...

A couple of days ago, my seven year-old daughter performed in a dance concert. It was her first public performance and we were all very proud of her. She was very excited about it. We know how much she loves to dance.

Her routine was the first performance and we all thought she did rather...

Parenting 703 Words

Accredited Home Schools – Are They ...

Your home school curriculum can also incorporate your own religious and moral beliefs, something that no one but you can teach your own child. By taking control of a child’s education a parent can shape that child’s value system better than any other way.

It is not necessary...

Parenting 704 Words

About Motherhood

When we think of a mother, what kind of a picture we get in our mind? A compassionate lady who will sacrifice all her comforts and will work ceaselessly in the home without expecting any monetary reward, only to take care of her children. Is this correct? Motherhood means sacrifice and pain from...

Parenting 380 Words

About Fatherhood

For most of us, our first father is God. A large majority of the world considers God as their father; or rather call God as their father. God is father to all in such believing families. What about biological fathers? How does one become a good father? What are the yardsticks by which we measure...

Parenting 437 Words

A-B-Cs Of Parenting

Common sense in parenting is a rather relative idea. Some parents simply do not have it and they need to be told just how to parent. That is why there are so many bestselling parenting books out there. There is nothing wrong with needing a little help in the area of your kids, parenting is...

Parenting 512 Words

A Teen Life Coach on the College Homesick ...

Leaving home and beginning your college career can be absolutely wonderful and extremely stressful. So whether you are a senior in high school preparing to go to college or you are at college looking for information about how to adjust to this huge change that has become your life, the...

Parenting 494 Words

A Solid Foundation

The early years of a child’s life are some of the most critical in shaping who that child will become and what kind of life that child will enjoy. In essence, the first years of anyone’s life are the foundation for everything else. Just like a house is built upon a foundation, so a...

Parenting 478 Words

A Parent’s Guide To Social Networking

“It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your children are?” Remember that phrase from your own childhood? It’s still a valid question, but now, it comes with a twist: “Do you know where your kids are-and who they’re talking to online?”

Social networking...

Parenting 408 Words

A Parent’s Dream: Successful ...

A Parent’s Dream: Successful Sleepovers For Children; Tips From Parenting Expert Penny Warner To Help Make Sleepover Season Simple

The sleepover season is here, with children spending nights away from home at friends’ houses, family vacations and camp. Sleepovers are...

Parenting 448 Words