Avoiding Ebay Buying Pitfalls With These ...

As with any market, trading on eBay is not without its hassles and snags.

First of all, it should be duly noted that eBay is an online market/transaction facilitator. It merely becomes a means for the buyer and the seller to meet.

Because of its online nature, eBays auction...

Auctions 467 Words

Avoid The eBay Snipers!

Sniping always occurs when a bid is about to end.
Sniping is against the rules at eBay, but in most cases, even if you report it, the sniper will get away with it. In order to avoid losing the items you want to snipers at eBay, you have to take on the sniper way of thinking. You also need...

Auctions 307 Words

Avoid Internet Auction Fraud With These Tips

In the early days of internet auctions you were much more likely to be conned than you are today. Figures from the National Fraud Information Center for the year 2000 stated that 78% of Internet fraud at that time took place on online auction sites. Since then the big sites have taken major...

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Automate Your Auction Site Business

Looking to grow your Auction site business? Many people that would like to sell more than a few items on their auction site find it hard to expand without the help of automation. Here are some great ways to automate your auction site business in order to grow.

There are three major ways...

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The rules of an auction
Whether online or offline, auctions are quite popular and have been a major attraction for businessmen as well as common folks and it existed as far as one can trace back in history. Auctions have existed since the dawn of time, and they simply continued evolving...

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Auction Titles: Keywords To Bigger Ebay ...

In the world of online auctions, the title is the only way to get more traffic. Traffic equals more bids, more bids equals more money. Sellers who want the most money from eBay will need to learn how to write a good title.

Statistically speaking, the vast majority of bidders will find...

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Auction Tips For Sellers And Bidders

At first glance, selling and buying items online would appear to be as easy as sending an email or downloading a song after a few clicks of the mouse. But with the rate at which several online auction and shopping websites pop up and disappear, and the growing number of bidding frauds done...

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Auction Fortunes Are Dependant On Ebay ...

Ebay software, that is tools that automate many of the steps required to sell items online, are making all the difference for the small business types who are trying to make it as professional auctioneers.

So what kinds of tools are we talking about? Well if you are at all familiar with...

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Are There Any Ebay Secrets That Are Worth ...

If you look around a little on the web, youll no doubt come across people trying to sell you ebooks about eBays secrets for as much as $20. Heres a sample:

Along with 400,000 other excited eBay fanatics I now make a living using the Internet and eBay. I can go days without ever speaking...

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An Introduction To Bidding And Buying On ...

Have you noticed that whenever you open a newspaper, watch the TV or have a conversation, people seem to be talking about eBay? If youve never used it and youve no idea what its all about, then the chances are that youre starting to feel a little left out. But dont worry! This email contains...

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An Ebay Sellers Checklist.

Being a seller is a lot of responsibility, and sometimes you might feel like youre not doing everything you should be. This simple checklist will help you keep on top of things.

Have you found out everything you possibly could about your items? Try typing their names into a search engine ...

Auctions 542 Words

An Easy Guide To Making Money On Ebay

One way to make money on eBay that a lot of sellers underestimate is by making money on returns. Items get returned to almost every seller eventually as its impossible to satisfy all of the buyers all of the time. By turning your returns into profits you can make money on eBay without simply...

Auctions 420 Words