Volvo and Men Share LogoJonathan Munk

This morning I came across an interesting article on that pointed out something I had never before realized: Volvo and men share the same logo. Thats right, the well-known circle with an arrow pointing diagonally to the upper right, made famous by disco kings of the 70s, is also the...

Web Design 274 Words

Virtual Tour – the Big Catch in ...

You know a picture tells a thousand words. Add to this line – a virtual tour (3D tour) tells it all! Plainly speaking words never speak better than a virtual tour. As internet has become the mainstay in media, 3D tours, the new kid on the block, is breaking the clutter of web graphics....

Web Design 414 Words

Very Very Cheap Web Design Service

Are you looking for somebody to build you a website, however do not have a very large budget? This is the position many people find themselves in and are on the lookout for very cheap web design services.

There are companies out there or people who are just starting out in a career...

Web Design 379 Words

Very Cheap Web Design Service In England

Are you looking for somebody to build you a website, however do not have a very large budget? This is the position many people find themselves in and are on the lookout for very cheap web design services.

There are companies out there or people who are just starting out in a career...

Web Design 380 Words

Using XSAS to develop multiple XOOPS sites ...

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for how to develop multiple XOOPS websites locally using XSAS (XOOPS Stand Alone Server). I use this information pretty much on a daily basis, and I hope you find it helpful, too. As always, I welcome any feedback or suggestions you may...

Web Design 669 Words

Using Stock Photography In Your Design ...

Need a great image for your latest design project or newest website? Then stock photography is the answer. Stock photography is images that are sold over and over. The images come in many different forms. Traditional stock photography includes images that are sold for a one time or limited time...

Web Design 498 Words

Using MySpace Codes to improve your MySpace ...

MySpace is a great place for meeting new friends and keep in contact with relatives and friends who live far away. Everybody wants to enhance the MySpace profile in order to have a unique and attractive MySpace page.

Usually you want to keep some details private which are avaiable only by...

Web Design 363 Words

Using Graphic Images On Web Pages

Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes web page designers make is to misuse or overuse graphic images on web pages. Designers become so enthusiastic about using new technology that they tend to focus on “look what we can make for you” rather than a web page’s...

Web Design 693 Words

Using Animation & Rich Media In Web ...

The use of special effects on web pages has literally exploded. Special effects are used either to draw potential client’s attention to a web site or to show off technical expertise. However, many web site designers, graphic designers, and programmers, or HTML “newbies” often...

Web Design 419 Words

Using “Titles” With Your Web ...

Using “Title Tags” for your web links & images is an arsenal many companies fail to utilize. These tags will help search engines to navigate through your information.

In the last topic we talked about Meta Tags within your web site source code. We also discussed how...

Web Design 418 Words

User-centered design (UCD) – 6 methods

User-centered design (UCD) is a project approach that puts the intended users of a site at the centre of its design and development. It does this by talking directly to the user at key points in the project to make sure the site will deliver upon their requirements.

The stages are carried...

Web Design 959 Words

User Friendly Web Development

Its not very difficult to create a web development that is user friendly. It only takes some thinking ahead. When initiating web development the first thing to think about is the audience. The content and style should cater the audience preferences. A web designer should take a look at the sites...

Web Design 436 Words