Do You Need to Have a High IQ to Be

Do You Need to Have a High IQ to Be Successful?

You have probably heard the term IQ many times, and you probably know it has something to do with measuring intelligence.

The letters IQ stand for intelligence quotient, and an IQ test is widely used as a way to measure...

Success 574 Words

Discomfort Is Necessary For Your Success

Most people don’t know much about the process actually committing to their life dreams and goals, because most people don’t keep most of their agreements. Most people add a silent, unconscious modifying phrase to all their commitments: “…as long as it’s not...

Success 453 Words

Developing the Both and Mindset

Clients often share a situation or challenge with me and as their consultant they ask me to advise them on a course of action. Often during the conversation, the Client will identify two distinctly different courses of action – that may at first seem to be in opposition. The question is...

Success 928 Words

Desire, Fuel for success: How to Keep it ...

Desire, Fuel for success: How to Keep it Alive and Burning Strong

What is it that makes one man go where others don’t dare tread? And that keeps him going even when the odds seem so insurmountable? When others around him expect the worst, and obstacle upon obstacle, cause him to...

Success 1019 Words


Your Brain is a fantastic piece of craftsmanship. Its ability to process and store information couldnt possibly be contested by even the most advanced computers, now or in the future. Its so advanced, it seems, that it needs no real help from You to run your life. It issues reactions to your...

Success 544 Words

Dare To Be Different

There is a secondary school not far from our home, and I often see the students either walking to school or waiting at the bus stop. Over 1500 students attend this school, and yet when I see them there is a similarity that identifies them as belonging to that school. After some thought I...

Success 666 Words

Cure Complacency Before It Kills

Successful living is no accident. If you’re not on your toes, you can lose it all before you know it. One common thing that those who start to make progress do it to start to let it roll, sit back and take it easy. After all, they are in need of some well deserved R&R –...

Success 597 Words

Creating Greater Success Through Reflection

If I could give you a tool or resource that would change your life in positive ways, change your results, create more happiness in your life and help you get better at anything you desired . . . And if I could promise you that this tool would cost you nothing, require only yourself and could be...

Success 946 Words

Cosmic Ordering – The Power of ...

If you have found your way to read this article, something within you has been triggered consciously or otherwise to seek a path which you can take to change your life in a positive way forever. What you are about to discover shortly is not something new, but in fact a frame of mind and a...

Success 1125 Words

Coping With Being Left Handed

Being left handed can sometimes be a drag. This is because almost all hand-held devices, such as tools, have been designed with a right-handed individual in mind. This is because everything has been created to accommodate a right-handed society. In fact, most right-handed people don’t...

Success 534 Words

Concentration Finds the Way

Everyone has two natures. One wants us to advance and the other wants to pull us back. The one that we cultivate and concentrate on decides what we are at the end. Both natures are trying to gain control. The will alone decides the issue. A man by one supreme effort of the will may change his...

Success 1939 Words

Can You Remove Your Own Burrs?

On a trip to Africa I went hiking with my friend, Colin, on his ranch in Kenya. The trail varied between rock and brush. Colin’s dog, Uzuri, came with us, sometimes running ahead of us, sometimes following behind, but almost never on the trail. Well into the hike we encountered a section...

Success 593 Words