Gratitude Will Improve A Retirees Outlook On ...

Thanksgiving week is a perfect time to think about gratitude and to be thankful for the people and the events that have made our lives what they are. But gratitude, practiced daily all year through will improve anyones outlook on life. When we stop dwelling upon things in our lives that are...

Time Management 626 Words

Gratitude Lies In Guessing Harry ...

Before you see where this article is heading, maybe you would like to take a short quiz on Harry Potter.

To all Harry Potter’s fans and foes out there, please give your best shot at answering the following question. What would you call Harry Potter’s grandfather? Any success...

Time Management 546 Words

Gratitude Journal: Keeping The Thanksgiving ...

Some people make New Years resolutions. I make Thanksgiving resolutions. Every year, I resolve to resume my practice of keeping a gratitude journal.

And every year, about three weeks later, I lose the journal. Not that this stops me. I just write my entries in some other journal, or a...

Time Management 655 Words

Gratitude Journal: Attracting Abundance And ...

Gratitude Journal: Attracting Abundance And Prosperity By Expressing Appreciation And Gratitude In Writing.

Keeping a gratitude journal can be a key part of living a happy and prosperous life.

How so? Acknowledging all the things, events, and people we appreciate will quickly get...

Time Management 499 Words

Gratitude Is The Key To Abundance

Truly I tell you, gratitude is the key to abundance. For if you are grateful, surely you will experience an increase in all the good things you feel you are deserving in Life.

Gratitude does not come from a this is too good to be true feeling. Nor does it come from feelings of lack and...

Time Management 760 Words

Gratitude Improves Your Attitude

In the 1980s, I started a daily practice that I still maintain today. I was attending an intense personal growth workshop at Deerwood, Minnesota. One night, as I lay on the top bunk in a rustic dorm room filled with a dozen women, someone mentioned her practice of gratitude.

Aware of my...

Time Management 914 Words

Grateful For The Changes In My Life Since ...

Grateful For The Changes In My Life Since Watching The Secret

Im writing this article to discuss how the ideas in The Secret have dramatically changed my life. Please note that I am not associated with this movie in any way, but like so many others am just thankful for that incredible...

Time Management 617 Words

Good Soaps To Use For Oily Skin

If you discover that you have oily skin, you may want to look into using a different facial soap. There are many types of facial soap on the market and many are especially for oily skin.

Allouette has a clarifying facial wash that is good to use if you have oily skin. This facial wash is...

Time Management 608 Words

Good Memory By Keeping Your Mind Busy

Memorization problems such as forgetting simple errands your Mom asked you to do this morning or scribbling on a paper, recalling what you were just about to write down are both serious signs that you need to pay extra attention to your memory and your ability of doing it, which is...

Time Management 382 Words

Good Attitude + Good Health = Success

You were overlooked for a promotion again. It was no surprise. Mr. X leads a charmed life. Work is finished before deadlines. They always have enough energy to attend seminars and workshops. They work late whenever needed. They always look great, are full of energy, and happy.

It is not...

Time Management 543 Words

Gone Too Soon – Kids Murdered In A ...

Gone Too Soon – Kids Murdered In A Senseless Rage

Its been over 4 yrs since Daniel (age 12) and Chante (8) were snatched from our lives.

Gone too soon. I still cant believe they are gone. What happened to them only happens to other people, or on the news. Its never ever so...

Time Management 1513 Words

Golda’s Stories Of The Holocaust

The True Stories of a Holocaust Survivor who Survived Six Years in the Concentration Camps.

Golda Sandman was born in the small city of Strachovitsa in south Poland. At the beginning of World War II she was a girl age eighteen. After the occupation by the Germans she was sent from the...

Time Management 390 Words