Kids Survive With Modern Camp Experience

Studying marine biology. Snow survival skills. Electricity. Wildlife tracking. At camp today, kids enjoy much more than the traditional crafts and canoes experience. 4-H offers a wide range of specialized camping programs all over the country where kids learn leadership, citizenship and life...

Sports & Recreation 401 Words

Sharpening Router Bits

All the time you see different products that come out to help the woodworker sharpen his or her tools in the shop. There is just about every contraption out there with a variety of prices and features. The one thing you never see is a good system for sharpening router bits. I am all for having...

Tennis 705 Words

Texas Hold ’em Poker Game Guide

First the tables: Texas holdem is played online on tables of 2 to 10 players.

The dealer is the person that deals the cards in a poker game. In Texas holdem the player that sits on the dealer position is the last to act. In online and casino poker there is a small button below that player...

Gambling Casinos 558 Words

Shark Fishing In Maine

Witnessing the sheer power and beauty of sharks first hand is a truly breathtaking experience which is hard to match. The adrenaline and excitement that comes with landing a big shark attracts thousands of anglers to Maine each year, all in search of that trophy catch. Whether you are looking to...

Tennis 529 Words

Texas Casinos

Texas, the Lone Star State, is famous for a number of things, all of which are important to the average Texas native. Texas is the home of The Alamo, U.S. President George W. Bush, and cycling champion Lance Armstrong. Texas is the second most populous state in the union, with 22,490,022...

Gambling Casinos 404 Words

Keeping Down unwanted pests at your barbecue

Spring, Summer and even Autumn can be a wonderful time for a barbecue. Your family and friends can enjoy getting together in your backyard, eating a delicious meal prepared on your grill, take a swim in your pool or just hang around and chat. However, there is one thing that can bring your...

Sports & Recreation 405 Words

Shark Fishing Guide For Tourists

If you are visiting the Keys and love to fish, but do not have cash flow to hire a guide for multiple days. (Like me, at $400 – $800 a day for guided fishing there is no way I could afford to fish anywhere nears as much as I need to satisfy me)

Of course if your heart is set on...

Tennis 1048 Words

Texas HoldEm Poker : Get your game in shape

Play Texas HoldEm Poker with your family and friends either for real money or for fun.

If Texas HoldEm Poker is a new-fangled game to you, dont worry about being confused, because it is such an easy thing to learn compared to other poker games such as 7 card stud or Omaha High. Texas...

Gambling Casinos 635 Words

Kakuro Puzzles In The Modern Setting

Kakuro puzzles are considered by some as the harder version of its more famous partner, the Sudoku puzzles. Kakuro puzzles are also considered by puzzles enthusiasts as modified versions of crossword puzzles, where numbers, instead of words, are used.

Actually, Kakuro puzzles have several...

Sports & Recreation 504 Words

Shark Attack! How To Survive And Live To ...

Shark Attack! How To Survive And Live To Tell The Tale

A little forethought and organization will payoff in a great memorable adventure for that next outdoors excursion you may have planned.

The older liquid gas lanterns give off just as much light but you will have to refill the...

Tennis 1261 Words

Shaolin Philosophy Takes Its Guiding ...

Shaolin Philosophy Takes Its Guiding Principle Of Enlightenment Through Meditation.

Shaolin kung fu is not just about defending yourself against an attacker or inflicting bodily harm. Shaolin martial arts also stress discipline, respect for yourself and others, patience, and being humble...

Tennis 494 Words

Temptation at Your Doorstep: Internet ...

Can you imagine being able to place a bet with just a press of a button? Can you imagine playing and betting as long as you want?

Can you imagine gambling from the comfort of your own home?

We know for a fact that gambling is risky business, and unrestrained gambling is just...

Gambling Casinos 724 Words