The berlinale film festival in Berlin

The festival film programme features six sections, each one headed by a responsible director who selects the films together with correspondents and other experts. This year the 6 sections are:

Competition: where are shown films made for the big screen and broad...

Travel Tips 253 Words

The Benelux Countries

Benelux is an economic union of three neighbouring monarchies – Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Despite long-standing ties, each country’s capital exudes its own unique charms.


Amsterdam is a freewheeling open city with splendid architecture, lovely...

Travel Tips 794 Words

The Benefits Of Traveling Off-Peak

The European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) defines traveling off-peak as “traveling outside rush-hours to avoid overcrowding in public means of transport.” This sounds all too simple and as we might expect – easier said than done.

For both air...

Travel Tips 458 Words

The Affordable But Comfortable Tropical ...

– Schedule your departure day two days after the wedding to give you ample time for rest after the activities and the celebrations. If you must travel immediately, remember to leave in the middle of the day and not the early morning so youll get a good nights sleep.

– Ask your...

Travel Tips 401 Words

The Advantages of Wheeled Luggage

For many years people have been carrying their luggage or more to the point lugging it around when they traveled. The evolution of luggage brought us luggage with wheels. Its a real boon for travelers to have luggage on wheels.

The main reason wheeled luggage is preferred is because its...

Travel Tips 252 Words

The 9 Ways to Emigrate to Australia

Ever wondered how to go about emigrating to Australia and go about getting an Australian visa? Wondering what the various options were and how to go about the different schemes without too much red tape or expense? There are lots of ways to emigrate to Australia. This article spells it out in 9...

Travel Tips 814 Words

Thailand Tailors

I see this question on many forums. Guys want to know if they should buy some tailor-made clothes in Thailand. My answer is yes, if you do it right.

First off, it really doesnt matter which tailor shop you go to. They are all basically the same and all they do is measure you and send...

Travel Tips 608 Words

Thailand Smoking Ban Goes Into Effect

The new smoking ban in Thailand bars and restaurants is in effect and from what I have observed the law is being treated like any other law in Thailand. What I mean is, some establishments have already set up smoking areas, others say you have to smoke outside the restaurant or bar, and others...

Travel Tips 457 Words

Thailand Rules of the Road

He, who is in front, has the right of way.

Bigger fish have the right of way over smaller fish.

The pecking order 18-wheelers, trucks, buses, farm equipment, CRV/SUV, car, Baht bus, tuk-tuk, pedicab, motorcycle, motorcycle with food cart attachment, pedestrian.


Travel Tips 272 Words

Thailand Holiday Countdown

For the past three weeks, I have been tossing “stuff” in my suitcase in preparation for a 3-week vacation in Khon Kaen, Thailand. These are the things I will need there, but dont need here on a daily basis. Things like, my portable DVD player, digital camera, books and magazines,...

Travel Tips 532 Words

Thai Visas for American Citizens

Visa on Arrival

US Citizens carrying a diplomatic, official or tourist passport and in possession of an onward or return airline ticket do not require a visa to enter Thailand. Upon entry, Thai immigration officials will place an immigration stamp in the passport permitting a 30-day stay...

Travel Tips 462 Words

Texas The City Of Friendship

The word Texas derives from a word in the Caddoan language of the Hasinai, which means “Friends” or Allies. It is also known as the Lone Star because of the state flag’s design: a broad vertical blue stripe at left, centered by a single white star, with horizontal bars of white...

Travel Tips 364 Words