Earn Free Flights with an Airline Credit ...

In this day and age, we are always traveling. Whether on a business trip, visiting home for the holidays, or you just want to go on vacation, planning and funding the flight is always a headache. That is why most major banks and other credit card issuers now offer Airline Credit Cards....

Travel Tips 344 Words

Early Retirement in Thailand – ...

Early Retirement in Thailand – Brilliant move or a Blunder?

Retire at 54 years of age and be happier?

Well aged 54 and separated from my wife and seeing my friends gain weight and have health problems made me think. I was gaining weight also, I was not happy with the...

Travel Tips 2819 Words

Duty-Free Liquids, Gels, and Aerosols

Member countries of the European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway, Japan, Singapore, Australia and others – have implemented new regulations regarding liquids in carry-on bags. As a result, there are potential implications for passengers who purchase liquid duty-free items (e.g. perfume...

Travel Tips 477 Words

Dumaguete – The Capital of Negros ...

Dumaguete – The Capital of Negros Oriental in the Philippines

The city called Dumaguete in the Philippines is named after the word daggit which is from a local dialect of Visaya which means to snatch or to swoop. Dumaguete City was named as such for the pirates that had always been...

Travel Tips 425 Words

Dubai Holiday On Self-Catering Basis

With over 5.8 million visitors in 2005 and occupancy rate in excess of 83% Dubai is fast becoming one of the world’s premier tourist destinations in the world with tourism business reaching unprecedented levels.

Dubai is a cosmopolitan city with a population over 1 million that...

Travel Tips 949 Words

Dubai Beach Hotel Apartments

In Dubai, the lodging industry is revealing itself as the golden fruit of the country real estate developments and extensive marketing.

Although the number of players entering the market is growing there are still numerous opportunities available for successful entries and thanks to the...

Travel Tips 510 Words

Driving your Motorhome for the first time

Here you are! You waited with great anticipation for this moment – Holidays are here!
There it is – your motorhome. Fully equipped, beds are made, a breakfast basket on the little table by the window, the tank is full and you are ready to go.

You probably have some...

Travel Tips 713 Words

Driving tips in Thailand

Thailand has a good network of well-maintained roads and highways between all main centres. Road signage follows international convention and is in both Thai and English. Drunk drivers and an abudance of haphazardly driven motorcycles make night-time driving a real problem, however.


Travel Tips 565 Words

Driving tips in Canada

Canadian highways are superb, with excellent, well-maintained, surfaces offering uncongested travel to most parts of the country; roads here certainly rival those of the USA. It’s not unusual to travel for hours and not pass another vehicle in some of the more remote areas.


Travel Tips 366 Words

Driving in Germany

I will start off with some common sense information like your drivers license. Of course if you are not a German citizen your drivers license probably does not authorize you to drive in Germany. You will need to contact your local license branch (BMV) and find out the steps you need to take to...

Travel Tips 486 Words

Driving in Europe

When considering driving in Europe, the image that comes to mind for many of us will no doubt be something like the infamous driving scene in National Lampoon’s European Vacation: eternally trapped in a roundabout, surrounded by aggressive French (or Italian or British) drivers who...

Travel Tips 953 Words

Driving in Chiang Mai, Thailand. – Can ...

Driving in Chiang Mai, Thailand. – Can I, should I?

Having had my Drivers License for 47 years now and having driven manual transmissions and automatics from Volkswagen bugs, to Corvettes, to Nissan 300 ZX Turbos to more refined Lincoln luxury cars you would think that I could drive...

Travel Tips 956 Words