Pharmaceutical Copywriters are just what the ...

So you are just getting out of college. You want to earn your living as a writer, and you decide on a career as an advertising copywriter. Naturally everyone wants to write the next great sneaker ad, or be the brainchild of the newest 20-year Vodka campaign, right? Not so fast. While a career in...

Copywriting 399 Words

Pharmaceutical Copywriter? Maybe?

So you are just getting out of college. You want to earn your living as a writer, and you decide on a career as an advertising copywriter. Naturally everyone wants to write the next great sneaker ad, or be the brainchild of the newest 20-year Vodka campaign, right? Not so fast.

While a...

Copywriting 399 Words

Perfect Grammar Is for Sales Sissies

If youre like me, youre not writing that banner ad, Web site, or landing page to make your English teacher proud. Youre writing to sell.

If you get an A while youre at it, great. But dont count on it. To get prospects to click, call, or buy, youll need to take some liberties with the...

Copywriting 638 Words

Jokes and Riddles – How To Write Them

Just listening to or reading jokes and riddles may “wake up” your brain, but it is creating them that really exercises your brainpower. The process requires you to use both logical and lateral thinking skills. How do you do it, then?

Jokes and riddle don’t come to mind...

Writing & Speaking 349 Words

One Product, Three Customers, Three ...

My soapbox is just about worn out. I’ve been preaching the necessity of knowing your target audience for at least 10 years. “You can’t write effectively to someone you don’t know,” is how my spiel would normally go. When one day someone asked me to show him what...

Copywriting 631 Words

John Reese’s Top Traffic Secrets

Track all sources of traffic generation.

John Reese stresses the need to track where all traffic comes from and at what cost. It is crucial to know exactly how many sales, newsletter sign-ups, or other leads your particular marketing campaigns generating. This enables you to work smarter...

Writing & Speaking 719 Words

Making It Easy for Customers To Choose You

Isn’t it frustrating? All you need is a new computer desk (or whatever you may be currently shopping for), but you can’t make a decision you’re comfortable with. It shouldn’t be this hard, should it? What’s holding you back? Probably lack of...

Copywriting 736 Words

Make Or Break Headlines

“Learn one FREE technique that INCREASES PROFITS by $1,000s or more in under two minutes!’

Did that headline grab your attention? Are you anxious to learn what this amazing free technique is?

Why, it’s the headline itself!

You have one chance and one chance...

Copywriting 814 Words

Jeux de Casino: Comment Perdre de Argent ...

Examinons donc les diffrentes thories de jeux existants, leur srieux et leur efficacit, pour ne pas dire inefficacit.

Tout d’abord, il est une chose essentielle a toujours garde en mmoire: le jeu est un sport, un loisir lie aux alas du hasard. Comprenez donc la chose suivante: rien...

Writing & Speaking 501 Words

Lower Cost & Increase Conversion of ...

Comparison shoppers are the mortal enemy of pay-per-click (PPC) advertisers. When you’re paying each time someone clicks your AdWords (or other PPC) ad, the last thing you want is a person determined to visit every site to find the best price, the closest location or the most secure...

Copywriting 755 Words

Keyword Use That Goes Beyond the Search ...

It seems to be a single-sided debate. When you mention keyword use, all thoughts normally go to the search engines. Copywriting, however, is more about your human visitors than it is the engines. In fact, even the mainstay of SEO copywriting (keywords) is based on a need to spur visitors along...

Copywriting 691 Words

It Was Good Enough For Shakespeare!

One of the core conflicts for creative artists of all kinds is the tug-of-war between art and commerce. Frankly, an artist needs to make money, and it is preferable to make it from his craft.

A writer who must work a full-time job to support himself will struggle to find the time to...

Writing & Speaking 733 Words