Reference Books Reviewed: Associated Press ...

When you write, you likely find yourself wrestling with questions. I certainly do, everything from the proper form of abbreviations to the placement of apostrophes. Ideally, you want to get past those questions quickly, so you can focus on the message, not the writing.

Among the tools...

Writing 386 Words

Rediscovering Chapbooks

In the 1600’s most cultured socialites considered chapbooks vulgar. These ‘flimsy’ booklets were often sold in less than reputable establishments and contained a variety of less than quality poetry, stories, ballads and political dissent. Often filled with spelling mistakes,...

Writing 414 Words

Red Light Opportunity

Shuffling along the sidewalk with no place to go neither time to be of a concern, I was trying to think of what to do today. Making my way slowly down this avenue of congress of this capital city I already had a free meal at the eleven oclock serving. As I strolled under the tall buildings...

Writing 892 Words

Receiving Feedback With Grace

Imagine holding a bouquet of balloons. And someone comes up to you and pops one with a pin. Then another. Then another. Pop! Slam! Bam! Youre shaken, shocked and need to take a few deep breaths to recover from the impact.

This is what it can be like to receive feedback. Whether its a work...

Writing 708 Words

Realities Of Publishing Your Own Book

Publishing a book is one of the best ways to position yourself as an expert in your field. Not only that but the book demonstrates your expertise in its best and most organized format. And perhaps the biggest advantage of all is that your book allows people to be introduced to your expertise...

Writing 559 Words

Readers: Are They Involved?

There are two specific, yet lofty goals writers strive for every time they commit words to paper. That goal is to write in such a way as to draw their readers into the written word.

If this goal is in fictional writing the author wants the reader to become so absorbed in the story that...

Writing 430 Words

Querying: One Authors Feedback On Tactical ...

When I was functioning as that lowest of all life forms, the unpublished author, I benefited from established novelists willing to share their experiences. This article is intended to give something back, especially since my experience had some unexpected turns.

I quickly learned to...

Writing 627 Words

Putting The Critics In Their Place

I once read that if you were a writer, it wasn’t enough to just write. “You must publish what you write” was the given advice. I believe that’s true and it’s great advice. But when you do that, you have to know at least three things are going to happen: 1.) Someone...

Writing 749 Words

Putting Off Writing That Novel Until The ...

Putting Off Writing That Novel Until The Kids Are Grown?

If you want to write a novel, but are putting it off until the kids are grown, I have two words for you: Don’t wait. It’s possible to raise a happy, healthy family and still follow your writing dream. And that’s...

Writing 674 Words

Put A Personal Touch With Cross Fountain Pens

With the emergence of the computer age, online forms, chat rooms, instant messaging and e-mails have taken the place of the old-fashioned paper and pen. Now, instead of organizers, Blackberries, portable computers and mobile phones are being used by many executives and students in keeping track...

Writing 516 Words

Publishing Options For New Authors

Most of us have dreams of writing a book one day but the statistics verify that the vast majority never complete the task. There are lots of reasons for this failure but one of the most important is that would-be authors have heard that publishers accept only a tiny percentage of the book...

Writing 604 Words

Publishing Options For Freelance Book Authors

It is difficult to break into the publishing industry as a new author, and even more difficult to get an acceptance letter from an editor at a large publishing house. As an author you will work hard to finish your book, and work even harder to find the right book publisher. The good news is you...

Writing 534 Words