A Parent’s Guide To Sexual Health Education

| Total Words: 561

Most parents understand the concept of sexual health education, but many do not consider classroom instructions on sexual health sufficient for their childrens needs. Although basic information is shared during class, the teenager might not hear or understand everything that he or she needs to know. Sexual health education is a parent’s responsibility, awkward as it may be. Still, society, by and large, relies on the formal school system to provide children with the necessary biological and social background about sexuality. But by giving follow-up information and reinforcing what the teenager learned in school, parents can help their children in making wise decisions when it comes to sex.

It’s not easy for parents to talk to their own children about the sensitive topic of sex. Perennially waiting for the proverbial right moment can make parents miss opportunities to teach their children about the need for information, responsibility, and circumspect when it comes to sexual behavior. Rather than getting ready for this kind of talk, think of sexual health education as just another ongoing conversation. For example, seize the moment whenever a TV program raises...

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