In recent years, we have seen a growing trend, a dangerous trend that has unfortunately, cost people’s lives. While years ago drug addiction was related to street drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, or heroin, we now see the dangers of prescription drug addiction. In fact, trips to hospital emergency rooms for prescription drug abuse from 2000 to 2002 rose a staggering 56%. Because of the huge problem, a number of new programs have been established to help educate doctors, parents, and even children.
Unfortunately, doctors find themselves in a very difficult position, especially when it comes to treating chronic illness. For instance, treating people with painful illnesses such as MS, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, or Arthritis often requires narcotics to keep the pain at bay. For these people, pain medication allows them a chance to live a relatively normal life. However, the problem arises when someone has a temporary injury and finds narcotics more of a stimulant than a treatment for the pain. With narcotics being addictive, it is easy to understand why people with temporary injuries become hooked.
The good news is that for people taking prescription...