If you own a small business, you might just have significant monthly expenses that are required in its operation. But in many cases you may not yet have sufficient cash on hand to pay for those expenses. For those reasons, a business credit card or a small business credit card can come in handy, given the benefits offered for business owners in particular. It is a temptation indeed to spend more than one should with a credit card. This lack of control, however, is the primary source of the profits in the credit card industry. If you have the financial insight to manage your money as a business owner, business credit cards could give you the flexibility you need to manage day to day expenses. Business credit cards used with care could be just the thing you need to help you manage your growing business.
One difference between personal and business credit cards is the operation of purchase tracking. Your purchases are tracked under your company name, not your name, and so the marketing offers that you receive for your business would be based on what you have purchased with your business credit cards, not your personal cards. A benefit of this tracking would be that your...