Taking Care of Your Cars Battery

| Total Words: 483

Every car comes with one, but some motorists act as if this particular component is completely maintenance free. What am I talking about? Your cars battery. Technological advances have made maintenance free batteries standard equipment on virtually every vehicle produced today. However, the term maintenance free is a misnomer, one that can leave you stranded if you do not perform proper and regular maintenance. Battery maintenance isnt difficult to do, so lets take a look at what you can do to keep your car running.

Before discussing battery maintenance, please make sure that your battery is, in fact, the sealed type. If it isnt, then the maintenance free label certainly does not apply and you will need to add water on a regular basis. Unsealed batteries are easy to spot as they have small vent caps on top of the battery which can be twisted open. You will need to periodically add distilled water to maintain water levels; more so in the summer months as water tends to evaporate quicker. Do not let your battery run low or run out of water as the batterys cells can be ruined.

If your battery is of the sealed variety, then the maintenance free label is still only...

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