The Seven Deadly Sins In Home Loan Lending

| Total Words: 578

The seven deadly sins in home loan lending are no different from the seven deadly sins outlined in the Bible. The latter damns your soul; the former can decimate your finances. Whether you’re buying a house by yourself, with your partner, or with a friend, be sure to avoid the following costly mistakes.

1. Thou shalt get your priorities straight.
Unless you are earning the equivalent of three people’s wages, there’s no way you can pay off a house loan, car loan, and a student loan at the same time. In fact, if you’re living on the budget of the recently employed, you have no business setting your sights on that sprawling four-bedroom number in the city’s most exclusive neighborhood. Clearly, you cannot serve two masters at the same time. Before you go home loan lending, separate your needs from your wants. Sort your priorities, and decide whether it’s a house or a new car that you need.

2. Thou shalt not underestimate home loan lending costs.
In home loan lending, costs follow only one trajectory: upward. Downpayment and monthly payments are not the only costs you have to budget. You need to factor in insurance...

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