Using E-Learning in ERP Systems ...

Using E-Learning in ERP Systems Implementation
E-Learning and Its Benefits.

In today’s world, information technologies are actively used in many spheres of life, including learning. In particular, e-learning courses are becoming more and more popular. Computer-based training...

Software 380 Words

Using a Computer to Record Telephone ...

Recording telephone conversations used to require expensive hardware and dedicated recording equipment. On the low end, one could use a simple wire to connect a phone handset with a tape recorder. An office with multiple phone lines would need expensive solutions that integrate a PBX with call...

Software 512 Words

Use Screen Prototypes For Clear Software ...

I’m in software development for 15 years and I can tell you one thing for sure: misunderstandings are costly in software development. If you are not careful, you could find yourself aiming at the moving target or even end up building the application nobody needs or wants. I’ll show...

Software 850 Words

Use Picasa to Create a Quick Slide Show for ...

Use Picasa to Create a Quick Slide Show for your DVD Player Using a CD of JPG Images

As a photographer, I like easy ways of storing, editing and producing digital pictures. As a moderate user of Adobe Photoshop, I have now discovered Picasa, Free Software from Google that allows you to...

Software 438 Words

Use information from mobile phones in an ...

Use information from mobile phones in an investigation and as evidence

Extracting complete and unaltered information from mobie phones and smartphones is vital for any investigation. A cell phone can be a ‘black box’ providing invaluable information for a criminal...

Software 512 Words

Use Educational Software

If you are a parent of growing children than you know the seriousness of the task of teaching and preparing your children for the things they need to know for school and for life. If you desire a mid-life career change you must know that there will be hard work and learning involved. Even if you...

Software 414 Words

Use Ecards To Increase Sales

Marketing Professionals try all the resources at their command to get new clients and to retain old clients. Client relations are one of the most important functions of a marketing professional. Here is a suggestion. Use ecards to increase sales by getting new clients and retaining the old. Let...

Software 247 Words

Use A Spyware Remover Now

If you use the internet, There is over 90% chance your computer is infected with spyware – Source CNN.

Just think about it. You probably have at least one, if not more computers in your home. Most computers today have internet access. And if you receive email from others and surf to...

Software 373 Words

Untangling Software Chaos

Fishermen are familiar with tangled lines. They may not happen when they are actually fishing, but take a length of line and store it out of sight, give it a little time and it seems magically to get itself into a mess.

Just like the fisherman, Software has an incredible habit of doing...

Software 525 Words

UnHack Your Computer

There’s nothing new under the sun, and rootkits are no exception. In the early days of personal computers, in the age of the DOS command-line operating system, there were viruses that hid their presence from the users and anti-virus programs. They did it by intercepting some system calls...

Software 546 Words

Understanding core of .NET framework

With the release of the .NET Framework, Microsoft is taking the most significant risk in its history. Microsoft has spent billions of dollars, representing over 80 percent of its R&D budget, on designing and constructing this fundamental shift in its development tools in order to build a...

Software 375 Words

Tutorial – Enabling IIS 5.1 on Windows ...

Windows XP Home Edition does not support IIS

1. You may need to put your Windows XP Pro CD into the PC.

2. Go to Control Panel, Add Remove Programs, then Add/Remove Windows Components. In the Windows Components window, place a check mark

beside Internet Information...

Software 331 Words