Understanding Depression and Menopause

As women approach midlife and menopause one of the things to be on the lookout for is depression. While menopause is not thought to be a cause of depression the two can occur at the same time. What is believed to be a cause of depression is changes in estrogen levels which occur during...

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The Health Benefits Of Tai Chi

More and more people are looking at the different alternative health therapy options these days. In this article, I write about the health benefits which using tai chi can bring. I hope you enjoy the read.

Tai chi is the most popular exercise in the world today. It is relatively new to...

Depression 550 Words

Anxiety Depression: Learn How to be worry ...

From a religious stand-point, Jesus once asked his 12 disciples: Which of you by worrying can add a single strand of hair to your head? Now, you may be of a religious background or maybe not, but, think about that statement and youd see why worrying, a main symptom of anxiety depression is quite...

Depression 468 Words

How To Fight Back Against Depression

I am one of those people who can easily slip into a very negative state of mind. The slightest knockback or problem can lead to a cloud of doom descending over me, a cloud which I find hard to push away and remove. This article looks at ways in which we can fight back, to quickly get us back...

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To Smoke or not to Smoke? – Tobacco ...

To Smoke or not to Smoke? – Tobacco & Nicotine Testing Kits

Smoking is a health hazard, to both those who smoke and those who are exposed to secondhand fumes. Due to this hazard, many companies have begun to test their employees for nicotine via nicotine drug tests. Nicotine...

Depression 472 Words

Natural Ways To Treat Depression

Depression is a medical condition that affects the mind, often leaving the person suffering from it feeling hopeless, without ambition and unable to focus. Left untreated, this condition can adversely affect academic achievement, family life, friendships and careers. People tend to seek help...

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Depression – Disorderly Conduct

People tend to sense uncertainty to the real meaning behind the word depression, trying to determine the difference between a depressive illness to that of a miserable mood can be tricky at times. In the medical world doctors use the word depression in different terms.
Symptoms of a...

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The Truth About Depression

Youve probably seen the commercials on television talking about the you you used to be before depression set in. Such commercials are generally aired by drug companies promoting an anti-depressant. But what these commercials fail to tell you is depression is common, and not everyone who feels...

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10 Common Symptoms Of Depression

Every year approximately 9.5 per cent of the American population suffers from depression. Depression is a grave illness that affects day to day life and destroys families. It is a disorder that controls the mind and its functions causing loss of appetite, sleeplessness, mood swings, and a deep...

Depression 444 Words

Anxiety – Naturally Of Course

What causes anxiety? Well if we all knew that wouldnt life be a bed of roses. Being able to nip it in the bud (excuse the pun) before it causes the damage it is capable of like interfering and preventing a person from leading a normal life There are many different theories behind the cause but...

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Anxiety can be defined as emotions which are typically negative in nature. It will often consist of fear and worry, and some organisms may even experience physical signs such as nausea or chest pains. Anxiety is a complex emotion, and is composed of a number of different elments. Some of these...

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Signs Of Depression

When it comes to treating depression, the best course of action is a treatment program that is initiated before a depressive illness becomes too severe. Therefore, it is important for a person to understand and appreciate the telltale signs of depression.

When a discussion turns to the...

Depression 509 Words