Common S.T.D. Symptoms and Treatment for ...

Common S.T.D. Symptoms and Treatment for Chlamydia, Herpes and Hepatitis

Disease like Chlamydia, Herpes and Hepatitis are a growing problem in the United States. High risk behaviors and lack of disease information and resources have had a profound effect on the spread of such diseases. ...

Disease & Illness 430 Words

Common Infections Caused By Candida

There are so many infections that are caused by Candida, especially the species Candida Albicans, in various parts of the body.

Moniliasis or Oral Thrush

This type of oral infection usually occurs when there is an overproduction of Candida Albicans. It is also common among denture...

Disease & Illness 574 Words

Common Bulimia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa, is an eating disorder, which is often times confused with Anorexia Nervosa. Although the two “Nervos’s”, are similar Bulimia involves binge eating before intentionally starving the body by excessive excercise, laxatives, and more commonly vomiting.


Disease & Illness 272 Words

Common Autism Treatments Reviewed

Autism is a developmental disability that affects both children and adults. The symptoms of autism are usually diagnosed within the first three years of the childs life. These symptoms may be more pronounced in some than others and will often affect both the social and communication abilities of...

Disease & Illness 739 Words

Comment Resserer les Liens de L’Amitie

Lors de multiples discussions avec de nombreuses femmes combinant vie professionnelle et vie familiale, il est toujours apparu le regret de ne pas avoir assez de temps pour soi. L’abandon au fur et a mesure du temps de ses amies d’antan, il en est ressorti que ce qui motive une...

Disease & Illness 527 Words

Colorectal Cancer Trial Now Under Way

This year, more than 145,000 new cases of colorectal cancer will be diagnosed in the United States. Colorectal cancer, which is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the country, is a disease in which malignant cells form in the colon or rectum. Unfortunately, colorectal cancer incidence...

Disease & Illness 240 Words

Colon Diseases Of The Colon

The colon or the large intestine extends from the cecum to the rectum. Colons main function is to extract water from feces. Colon, also called large bowel, measures 1.5 meters in length. There are various diseases of the colons like colitis, colon cancer, constipation, polyposis,...

Disease & Illness 407 Words

Cold Sore or Canker Sore?

Two of the most common disorders of the mouth, the cold sore and the canker sore, are often confused with one another. Knowing the difference between a cold sore and canker sore can affect your choice of treatment or home remedy.

The difference between a cold sore and canker sore is where...

Disease & Illness 391 Words

Cold or Flu? Which is it?

This time of year, the phone rings constantly with people who have the flu. Exceptthey dont. Do you know the difference between having a cold and having the flu?

The common cold (and boy is it common) develops gradually over several days and can start with a scratchy throat, sneezing and...

Disease & Illness 303 Words

Coeliac Disease

Coeliac Disease is something which affects many people but which is not widely understood or discussed. It is a medical condition which affects the gut and digestive system of the sufferer and which people can be genetically pre-disposed to.

The disease often runs in families, due to the...

Disease & Illness 563 Words

Clouded Vision – Cataracts

When the normally clear lens of the eye have a painless clouding, it is called cataract. If you do not treat it in time, it causes blindness. Surgical treatment can however, cure it in time. Most of the people over 60 do suffer from some clouding of the lens. But you can prevent them or treat...

Disease & Illness 450 Words

Clinical Trials Offer Hope For ...

More than six million people worldwide, including one million in the United States, live with Parkinson’s disease-a chronic, degenerative, neurological disorder that is characterized by symptoms that typically progress from mild tremors to significant physical...

Disease & Illness 387 Words