What Are The Stages Of Alzheimer’s ...

An estimated 23,000 people die each year in the United States from Alzheimers disease. It is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly, making it the eighth leading cause of death among that age demographic. Alzheimer’s cannot currently be cured, but understanding the seven stages of...

Disease & Illness 585 Words

What are the Most Common Asthma Triggers?

An asthma attack is often triggered by exposure to an allergen of some sort an asthma trigger. Identifying a food or environmental asthma trigger can help you avoid it and lessen the risk of an acute asthma attack. While there are some people who have food allergies or are especially sensitive...

Disease & Illness 569 Words

What are Genital Warts?

Genital warts are not something that you want to have. They are a serious sexually transmitted disease that is hard to deal with. The human papilloma virus otherwise known as HPV causes this disease. This virus looks like bumps that resemble warts. These bumps are annoying and will cause you...

Disease & Illness 472 Words

What Are Candida Albicans?

Candida Albicans is a yeast infection that usually starts in the digestive system and gradually spreads to other parts of the body. It is also a type of parasite that is strong, invasive and usually attaches itself to the intestinal wall and becomes a permanent resident of the internal...

Disease & Illness 607 Words

Walking the Walk for AIDS

UNAIDS estimates that more than 37 million adults and 2 million children are infected with HIV worldwide. The AIDS epidemic has hit the hardest in sub-Saharan Africa, where 75 percent of the women ages 15 to 24 are infected.

Closer to home, 40,000 people per year in the U.S. are infected,...

Disease & Illness 381 Words

Votre Home Sweet Home Au Gout du Jour

Pour pouvoir amnager votre cher appartement au got du jour, tout ce dont vous avez besoin est d’avoir quelques ides et une grande imagination afin de transformez vote logement en un vritable cocon douillet aussi bien de style cosy que cottage.

Comme beaucoup de familles, vous vivez...

Disease & Illness 523 Words

Vitiligo in some cases

Vitiligo isn’t the most deadly thing that you can come down with, like other diseases though you don’t want to get it. Vitiligo is the loss of skin pigmentation in patches. This disease and several others are as a result of an auto-immune attack, which actually occurs by your own...

Disease & Illness 317 Words

Vitiligo: Beware of white patches on your ...

Vitiligo (often called as leucoderma) is a disorder where the skin loses its color in patches of irregular shapes and sizes. This is a pigmentation disorder which means that melanocytes (the pigment-producing cells) in the skin get destroyed. This results in the development of white patches on...

Disease & Illness 459 Words

Video Poker: Why Do People Like It

Yesterday, I was having a pint at my local bar when I noticed a small guy in a dark suit. Sitting to the far-right corner of the bar and away from all of us, this short man was crouched over a glowing video poker screen. Huh?

It was just a few months back that casinos all over the world...

Disease & Illness 558 Words

Viajar por placer

El periodo de viajar en avin no es la experiencia que mas disfrute. Cargar con la valija, pagar el pasaje, la sensacin de encierro en el avin entre otras son los negativos de viajar. Sin embargo llegar al lugar de destino es tal recompensa que lo mencionado anteriormente deja de ser...

Disease & Illness 438 Words

Understanding The Stages Of Alzheimers ...

A persons mental and physical abilities deteriorate as he progresses through various stages of Alzheimers disease. However, the way the disease manifests can vary quite widely from one person to another.

Knowing about Alzheimers stages can help the caregivers plan for and cope with the...

Disease & Illness 465 Words

Understanding The Autoimmune Disorder ...

Crohns disease is a systemic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) of unknown cause, that results in chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract.

It can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus, and can also cause complications outside of the gastrointestinal...

Disease & Illness 313 Words