“What’s Not ADHD?”

Lets look at five behavioral issues which are not ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). While these difficulties may be found along with ADHD, it doesnt mean that they are symptoms of ADHD.

The five problems well discuss are Anxiety, Depression, Disruptive Behavior, Learning...

Disease & Illness 839 Words

What Is The Avian Flu – Also Known As ...

What Is The Avian Flu – Also Known As The Bird Flu?

The Avian flu is a virus carried by birds and spread through their feces and other secretions. Those most at risk are people who come into contact with infected birds. Of the people who have been infected, many are from families...

Disease & Illness 324 Words

What is Sleep Apnea and do I Have it?

Sleep apnea, also referred to as sleep apnoea, is a common sleep disorder. It’s characterized by brief interruptions of breathing during sleep. These episodes, called apneas, last 10 seconds or more and occur repeatedly throughout the night. People with sleep apnea partially awaken as they...

Disease & Illness 407 Words

What is Sciatica

Sciatica is not a specific disease, instead it is a condition characteristic of several different diseases. Simply put, it is a mild to intense pain in the left or right leg. Sciatica is caused by a compression of one or more of the five sets of nerve roots in the lower back. These compressions...

Disease & Illness 650 Words

What is Oral & Genital Herpes?

There are two types of herpes infections, oral herpes and genital herpes; both are contagious. The most insidious fact about herpes is that it can be an invisible virus; it is possible for a person to have and to spread either type of herpes virus and not even know that he or she has...

Disease & Illness 593 Words

What Is Malaria & What Can Be Done If I

What Is Malaria & What Can Be Done If I Contract It?

Malaria is an infectious blood disease caused by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito that injects parasites into the bloodstream. This disease is reported to afflict 350-500 million people each year and causes over one...

Disease & Illness 462 Words

What Is Lung Cancer And Who Can Get It?

Abnormal cell growth in either one or both of the lungs is the simple answer to the question, What is lung cancer? In healthy individuals, the cells within the lungs go about their business duplicating at a normal rate and turning into more and more lung tissues. The lungs continue to function...

Disease & Illness 501 Words

What Is Lou Gehrigs Disease And What Can Be ...

What Is Lou Gehrigs Disease And What Can Be Done To Prolong Quality Of Life

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS is more commonly known as Lou Gehrigs disease because the famous baseball player contracted it and ultimately died from it at age 37. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative...

Disease & Illness 411 Words

What Is It All About With The Bird Flu?

The humanity is always being challenged yearly. What good is a year if there has been no major threat to our humanity? It may be quite evil to say, but thats reality. Every year, there are lots and lots of people who die from diseases, natural calamities or terrorist acts.

It is a quite...

Disease & Illness 458 Words

What Is Endometriosis And Should You Be ...

Most people have never heard of endometriosis and even those that have know little about this medical condition. But like many medical conditions that can seriously affect ones life, endometriosis can be managed and the risks minimized if a person takes the time to do their homework. Here are...

Disease & Illness 425 Words

What Is Endometriosis?

What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is one of those diseases that youve probably heard the name of before, but arent really sure how its caused or what its symptoms are. You may wonder who is most at risk for contracting it and whether there is a cure. The first question is relatively easy to...

Disease & Illness 523 Words

What Is Diagnosis

“Diagnosis” is a fancy name given to the process of identifying diseases. It is a Greek name. Break it down; “dia” means “by” and “gnosis” means “knowledge”. How do I diagnose my illness? You don’t! Diagnosis is for doctors and...

Disease & Illness 254 Words