A Guide To Balding Men’s Hairstyles

Its unbelievable how difficult it is to find any decent information on the internet about balding mens hairstyles.

Youll know this yourself if youve ever tried to do a search on Google for balding mens hairstyles, hairstyles for balding men, balding hairstyles or any other amount of...

Hair Loss 693 Words

A Family Affair for Hair

Out of the hundreds of procedures he performs each year, the last thing hair-transplant surgeon Dr. Robert Dorin expected to do was perform surgery on his father.

Robert M. Dorin Sr. had been losing his hair for many years, but few people knew how much it bothered him. Then, one day at a...

Hair Loss 323 Words

A Cure For The Age Old Problem Of Hair Loss

A Cure For The Age Old Problem Of Hair Loss

Men aren’t the only ones looking for a cure for hair loss. Some women are also affected. One solution is delving into the Internet for answers. Cyberspace will provide you with a number of solutions to this confidence-breaking problem. You...

Hair Loss 414 Words

Why Plugged Hair Follicles Thin Your Hair ...

Why Plugged Hair Follicles Thin Your Hair and What You Can Do

Losing your hair to where it thins or you become bald does not have to happen. Just by understanding why your hair falls out and thins allows you to take counter measures. Discover what counter measures you need to take to...

Hair Loss 652 Words

What Is Your Hair Type?

Everyday you see people with all color and style of hair. But did you know that you have a hair type? Yes! Not all hair has been created the same.

Lets start with the basic structure of hair:

1) Hair grows from the follicle, which is long and bulbous. If you were to pull out a...

Hair Loss 408 Words

What Is Normal About Hair Loss?

It is important to note that shedding of hairs is a natural process with anything from 100 to 300 hairs randomly shed each day. In this article we’ll look at two distinct aspects of normal hair loss. Firstly, we’ll examine what is actually involved in the hair growth cycle. Secondly,...

Hair Loss 436 Words

What Is Hormonal Hair Loss? Can It Be ...

People lose hair for various reasons. Illness and medication, like chemotherapy to treat cancer, can cause hair loss. Hair loss can also be inherited from a parent. Often, hair thins because it is fine-textured, or because too many harsh chemicals have been used on it, so it breaks...

Hair Loss 401 Words

Ways Leading To Hairloss

All of us lose hair everyday, whether male or female, young or old. This is pretty obvious from the hair that is left in our brush or comb. Also, you can easily find fallen hair that collects near the drain pipe in your shower room.

Most of us lose hair every day; you only have to look at...

Hair Loss 547 Words

Vitamins For Female Hair Loss Prevention

In today’s image conscious society, physical appearance is more important than ever to a woman’s self-esteem. Imagine the heartache caused when a woman notices her hair thinning? It is estimated that over 25 million women experience thinning hair in the United States. Many are...

Hair Loss 357 Words

Vitamins and Hair Loss

Vitamins are necessary for your body health as well as hair health. Different vitamins contribute to maintain your body metabolism and hair growth. These also prevent your hair from falling. So it is very important for you to take different vitamins in your daily diet in sufficient quantity....

Hair Loss 604 Words

Understanding Hair Growth Cycles and Hair ...

We all lose a certain amount of hair each day – anywhere from 50 to 100 to 125 hairs. True hair loss occurs when these hairs we lose don’t grow back, or when the amount of hair we lose each day exceeds this normal range.

Hair loss can occur as a result of medications, such as...

Hair Loss 378 Words

Understanding and Preventing Hair Loss

Noticed more fallen hair collecting on the drain stopper in your shower room?

Or do you suspect that more hair has been left in your brush than is normally the case?

Been sweeping up more strands of hair all over your house?

Getting worried? Although hair is not essential...

Hair Loss 360 Words