Hot Tips To Prevent Hair Loss!

While Androgenetic Alopecia is the number one reason why individuals experience hair loss, it is not the only one. Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, ringworm and fungal infections can cause hair loss. Certain medications such as blood thinners, gout medication, birth control pills and...

Hair Loss 342 Words

Hormonal Supplements The Key Hair ...

Hormones play a crucial role in hair growth process. There are a number of hormones governing hair growth in men and women. This is where the significance of high hormone supplements originates.
Testosterone and Estrogen are two examples of hormones governing human hair growth....

Hair Loss 955 Words

Heriditary Hair loss Symptoms, Causes and ...

The ordinary kind of hair loss, called hereditary hair loss, can affect both men and women, but women are usually affected less than men. The condition is so common that it nearly can be regarded as a part of the normal aging process.


The pattern of hair loss...

Hair Loss 783 Words

Herbs for hair growth

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. The hair that we see and care so much about is actually nothing but dead cells. The part that is living is below the scalp and is called the follicle. Near the follicle are the sebaceous glands that make the hair look vibrant and shiny. These...

Hair Loss 486 Words

Herbal Treatment forr Faster Hair Growthr

Hair growth patterns in humans depend upon the interaction of natural cycles of hair growth and hair loss. The hair growth cycles follow a structured process that has 3 phases. These 3 phases are anagen (the growth phase), catagen (the transitional phase) and telogen (The resting Phase). The...

Hair Loss 521 Words

Herbal Treatment for Faster Hair Growth

Hair growth patterns in humans depend upon the interaction of natural cycles of hair growth and hair loss. The hair growth cycles follow a structured process that has 3 phases. These 3 phases are anagen (the growth phase), catagen (the transitional phase) and telogen (The resting Phase). The...

Hair Loss 521 Words

Herbal Hair Loss Remedies That Offer Hope

Herbs hold an obvious appeal for many people because they support the body’s natural healing mechanisms to target the cause of the problem, as opposed to merely tackling the symptoms. It would be wrong to present herbal hair loss remedies as a miracle solution for all sufferers –...

Hair Loss 413 Words

Herbal DHT Blocker

Herbal DHT Blocker – Your safest bet!

If you are a victim of DHT hair loss a herbal DHT blocker might just be your safest bet to over come the problem and salvage what’s left of your hair. DHT hair loss affects almost ninety five percent of men all over the world it is the...

Hair Loss 378 Words

Help With Hair Loss – Save Those ...

Today, many women and men are looking for help to cure hair loss. It is a problem affecting ones social life. Most of us feel that the outer appearance is an important thing to be successful. Hence there is great need for hair loss products..

Hair loss treatments are available in...

Hair Loss 395 Words

Hearing Loss Can Be A Great Loss

If you or someone you love has started to experience hearing loss, than you know firsthand what a great loss hearing loss actually is. As a physician’s assistant, I get to work with people all the time who are dealing with the beginning stages of hearing loss.

If you’re...

Hair Loss 412 Words

Healthy Hair Support for Women

Why go to the extent of all those medical costs when you can do it cheaper and safer the natural way. For the first time in the history of mankind
it is now possible to stop or slow the progression of hair loss and to replace lost hair through surgery with completely natural results. We...

Hair Loss 321 Words

Hair Weaving and Hair Grafting

What is hair weaving?

Its the science of weaving or braiding human or synthetic hair to the roots of existing, healthy hair so that it grows along with natural hair, thus giving the impression of a thick growth. Its also called hair integration or hair intensification. Its a procedure...

Hair Loss 492 Words