Sahasrar Chakra and Brahmarandhra-Centers of ...

The human body (Microcosm) is said to be a small sample of the cosmos (Macrocosm). The entire body of a big tree is hidden in a tiny seed. In a small sperm lies the cast of the entire human body. The manner in which the mutual attraction and activities of the planets of the solar system are...

Meditation 4546 Words

Giddy When Lifting Weight In Gym? Training ...

Giddy When Lifting Weight In Gym? Training Big Muscle Groups Cause Nausea?

Ask any body builder and everyone will say they will feel light headed, nauseous and even sometimes even puke when they train big muscle groups with exercises such as squats and dead lifts. Some great bodybuilders...

Muscle Building 419 Words

Swimming Pool Ozone Generators

Ozone generators are the devices that are used for generating ozone gas. Often used for commercial, therapeutic, and residential applications, the ozone generators are commonly used air purifiers, swimming pools, ponds, aquariums, etc.

Ozone generators are used in swimming pools for...

Health & Fitness 361 Words

What Are Different Types of Blood Pressure ...

Are you looking for Blood Pressure Monitors? This article will give you comprehensive information about all types of blood pressure monitors.Taking your blood pressure and keeping a record of the measurements is important. It will give you and your doctor information, how much your blood...

Cardio 729 Words

Use A Catalog Today

Most people that I know love to shop for new things. There is something great about getting something new to wear or to use in your home or office. The problem, however, is that there are so many places to shop that it can become a time consuming event that no one really has time for. I have...

Womens Issues 406 Words

Importance And Benefits Of Ardha Chandrasana

Life teaches us lot of things and yoga learns lot from life. It derives its inspiration from the basic nature of life which is in various forms such as human, animals, plants, tress, earth, sun and moon. For instance this asanas other name is derived from the Moon. In English this asana would...

Yoga 415 Words

Update Your Look For Less!!

You don’t have to spend a mortgage or rent payment to have a fresh, updated wardrobe this spring and summer. All you need is a little creativity.

New stylish jewelry will add a fashionable “pop” to your Spring look for 2006.

Necklaces are making the biggest...

Womens Issues 401 Words

Relaxing The Mind

What is relaxation?

In common terminology, relaxation means that we leave ourselves free of tension. Relaxing mind may mean that the mind is not under stress or active. In today’s lifestyle, this looks difficult. Isn’t it?
Now a days, most of us believe to be being under...

Meditation 598 Words

Journaling Your Way To Weight-Loss

Many of my diets have been unsuccessful over the years. Im not proud of that fact, but I do feel that many of my failed diets have taught me valuable lessons. It is extremely important to try to learn something from each diet that goes south. If you dont learn anything, your mistakes will be...

Weight Loss 1381 Words

Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack

Many individuals who experience signs of a heart attack allow them to go unnoticed. Ignoring the tale-tell signs of a heart attack can cause the problem to be much more serious than necessary, potentially leading to heart failure and even death.

If you think you are experiencing a heart...

Cardio 725 Words

Penis Enlargement what to look out for

They say that nature gives with one hand and takes away with the other. Many men have brains that help them land big jobs, discover amazing things or start their own companies and make fortunes. However, these amazing brains tend to come bundled with less than satisfactory penises. In fact, a...

Mens Issues 663 Words

Zinc, And It’s Effect On Acne

There are many different vitamins with which a vitamin deficiency of them can lead to acne problems. One such vitamin is Zinc. Zinc is one of the most important vitamins when attempting to fight and prevent acne due to its many uses and how important it is to the body and the skin. A vitamin...

Health & Fitness 487 Words