Managing Anemia Associated With Chemotherapy ...

This year, an estimated 1.3 million cancer patients will undergo chemotherapy and more than two-thirds of these patients will develop anemia, a low red blood cell count. Anemia is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy and can negatively affect patients and impact their daily...

Supplements 308 Words

Mens skin care

Man skin care would seem like an alien topic to some men. It would have been even more alien a few years back. However, more and more men are now realising the importance of man skin care (and hence you see markets flush with man skin care products too). Even though the male skin is very...

Supplements 472 Words

Be A Man of Fitness

Fitness is the essence of a man. Fitness is the ability of a person to do his normal everyday tasks with full alertness and vigor without worrying about fatigue afterward and with extra energy in reserve which can be useful when emergencies arise or during leisure and recreation. Overall fitness...

Supplements 548 Words

Malic Acid A Good Supplement

You may not know what malic acid is, which is okay because many people dont exactly know what it is anyway. It is an organic acid that helps the process of deriving ATP. That is the energy currency that runs the body from food. Basically malic acid helps in the production of energy.


Supplements 307 Words

Making Vitamins Plain And Simple

It’s no wonder we are pretty confused when shopping for vitamins. We’ve been told, for example, that a good vitamin supplement would boost our energy level. In fact, we’re told this constantly: in magazine arti- cles, television media, the plethora of vitamin- promoting...

Supplements 470 Words

Lotions vs. skin care creams

There is no dearth of skin care creams and lotions in the market. Name an ailment, and you will find hundreds of skin care creams, lotions and other products for it. As a result of ongoing research and due to ever increasing demand, the number of skin care products seems to be on the increase....

Supplements 423 Words

Liquid Vitamin Supplements

Most people do not realise that the body can absorb the nutrients from liquid vitamin supplements easier than from tablets. It is estimated that liquid vitamin supplements are actually absorbed at least five times better than regular vitamin pills. Of course, there are many other benefits that...

Supplements 404 Words

Lifetime Fitness: On Your Way to a Healthier ...

Many people end up abandoning perfectly good fitness programs and weight-loss regimens before they even lace up their sneakers.

Why? Because in a world filled with fast food, instant messaging, and a five-second disease-tracking device, anything without a quick payoff goes against the...

Supplements 537 Words

Legal Steroids – Another Alternative ...

For competitive body builders to build bigger muscles faster is a constant temptation but for the average non competitive body builder there is another natural option – natural body building. True it is a much slower process but the long term gains far outweigh the adverse affects that...

Supplements 421 Words

Dangers of Using Laxatives For Weight Loss

One popular weight loss supplements available in the market today take the form of tea. Stores all over sell slimming tea, dieter’s tea and others but all of them are actually the same. They may appear to be effective, but what is not seen may actually harm you.

One of the effects...

Supplements 569 Words

LA Fitness in Perspective

Nowadays, many people, particularly those that have certain kinds of diseases, start exercising for the sole purpose of losing weight. When the pounds do not drop as quickly or as completely as they would like, they get discouraged and give up.

If you take away any message about exercise...

Supplements 587 Words

Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement – ...

Tribulus terrestris is a herb that comes from a plant found in Asia. It has been used in the past by many cultures for the treatment of liver, kidney and cardiovascular diseases. It has also been used as a diuretic and to treat infertility. In recent years strength athletes in eastern Europe are...

Supplements 211 Words