Reflections on Media Independence produced ...

Rapid technological advancements in the 21st Century have ensured that society is now more connected, and there are an increased number of media channels available. Unfortunately, due to dominant media ownerships some would argue that though we have a choice in what we want to watch, our choice...

Blogging 649 Words

Reasons to Start a Blog

Blogging is taking the online world by storm. It is the fastest rising new activity on the internet. It is allowing people to post their thoughts not only about personal things but also about the world at large.

Blogs, otherwise known as web logs, is both an online diary and a guestbook....

Blogging 526 Words

Proven Techniques Help You blogging – ...

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you’ll find that the subject of Blogging is certainly no exception.

If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an art. This is because people who...

Blogging 888 Words

Promoting your blog using the social and ...

Sometimes you come up with a great blog story. You know it will drive you a lot of traffic but you have a problem. None knows about your great blog post. In order to get maximum attention you need to spread the word around. This is where the social / bookmark networks come handy.


Blogging 459 Words

Problogging: Making Money From Blogs ...

A weblog (or simply blog) is a website that ‘publishes’ or features articles (which are called ‘blog posts’, ‘posts’, or ‘entries’), written by an individual or a group that make use of any or a combination of the following:


Blogging 810 Words

Power Blogging – 3 Awesome Blogging ...

Power Blogging – 3 Awesome Blogging Tips That Will Skyrocket Your Blog Business

This article is not intended to give you the newbies course about hosting, installing a blog on your domain and etc. It will give you some serious advice on your blog business

Bad blogging habits...

Blogging 798 Words

Ping For Your Blog Foreign Language Or ...

Ping For Your Blog Foreign Language Or Marketing Tool? Make It Happen!

When experts start talking about ping for your blog, there are two things that usually happen. First, if you are unfamiliar with the term, you likely tune out right away. If you dont tune out then you probably know...

Blogging 719 Words

Parts Train Unveils the Auto Blog

Auto Parts Train has unveiled its own blog, dubbed as The Auto Blog. This serves as a channel through which relevant information covering the world of automotives and automotive parts can be provided to visitors. Of course, this has also been especially crafted so as give further information to...

Blogging 368 Words

Part Three – Keywords, Tags, ...

Part Three – Keywords, Tags, Categories – Oh Vey! I Am So Mixed Up!

Okay so now we know all there is to know about content and keywords. Hah! But you did get the basics. It may be a good point to stop and talk about Keywords, Tags, Categories and all that as well....

Blogging 1164 Words

Opening doors on the web (Blogs)

Writers’ world over use various platforms to showcase their work and this can be done for two purposes, either for their own compilation or to tell the world that they have this talent thereby inviting projects. They can either adopt the age old system of maintaining a personal journal or...

Blogging 400 Words

Breaking the block in blogging

If there is such a thing as a writers block, then there is also what everyone calls a bloggers block.

Some of you may already know that kind of feeling. These are times when you feel that you cannot seem to start blogging anything. That everything is so clustered and you cannot begin to...

Blogging 699 Words

Unleash your blogging prowess

Ever since blogging started, it seems there is no stopping it from becoming hotter and hotter as the days go by. The fact that online experts have often dismissed them as something not to be adapted, it does not stop the majority of people from becoming bloggers.

It appears that there is...

Blogging 705 Words