Taxing Ebay Part Deux

When my column on paying income tax on eBay profits ran it brought a wave of emails on whether you were required to report income earned from eBay sales to the IRS sparked a number of additional questions and comments from eBay sellers who were hoping that I could somehow validate that their...

Auctions 672 Words

3 Reasons Why You Should Love Unsubscribes

If you are like most new marketers you just dread logging into your autoresponder and seeing that you have lost list members due to them unsubscribing. Well I am here to tell you three good reasons to look forward to getting unsubscribes.

The first is that you are actually using your...

Email Marketing 357 Words

Why Dotcom-Monitor Service Is Crucial to ...

Operational Issues Confronting e-Business Today:
Business through the internet has expanded by leaps and bounds and continues to do so. With opening up of the world economies e-business has become truly global for buyers and sellers alike. Also keeping pace are the associated problems that...

Security 1010 Words

Business resource: Business related podcasts

Among the many genres or types of podcasts there are some that are have moved beyond the entertainment or plain informational aspect of podcasting (which was very prevalent during its very early years). These new genres have a far more loftier aim to inform AND help people. There is a whole new...

Podcasts 506 Words

Getting Online Savings

With the rising prices, everybody wants to get their money’s worth for every dollar spent. But even the most savvy online shopper do not always get the best deals possible available online. One key in getting a good deal over the internet is to always do a price comparison shopping. There...

Web Hosting 446 Words

How to fail in the joint venture business

Joint ventures can bring your business many good things. However, it also get you shut off, ruin your reputation and accuse you of being a spammer. But this is only when you do not take the proper precaution needed upon getting into one.

There are basically three things that should never...

Internet Business 698 Words

Writing Emails with A Purpose

How many times have you seen it? You open your inbox just to see another long, seemingly endless list of emails. You cautiously open each one, giving some of them 10-20 seconds of a quick scan. If something captures your interest, you read on. If not, its a quick click (delete key) and you move...

Email Marketing 600 Words

Write Emails Marketing Messages That Capture ...

The contents of the email marketing messages can keep your readers focused if they are written and presented well. Since readers like to scan through emails instead of reading them entirely, they understand more when less is explained. So the content should be convincing and well written without...

Email Marketing 267 Words

Business Idea: Podcasts

Podcasts have been popping up all over the Internet in the past year or so. I have come across podcasts on anything from the latest tech gadgets to gardening tips. With millions of listeners out there and plenty of new people listening to podcasts every single day, now is a great time to start...

Podcasts 521 Words

SEO Tools Poem

I am in my cave, and looking out kind of furtive,
The reason being, psychologically, I am low assertive,
It seems to me with dinosaurs just outside the cave,
Its entirely reasonable now, to be anything but brave,
But the tribal psychiatrist insists that I must face my...

SEO 507 Words

Taming The Ebay Search Engine.

If you know what youre doing, you can quickly find what youre looking for on eBay and the more you know about how buyers find you, the easier youll find it to be found. Here are a few golden searching rules.

Be specific: If youre searching for the first edition of the original Harry...

Auctions 519 Words

SEO To Become A Dinner Party Topic

Thanks to a ground-breaking agreement between Dell and Google, SEO may soon be a mainstream topic of conversation. Dell, the world’s leading maker of personal computers, has announced that it is testing a pre-installed package of Google software, including a Google-powered Dell home page,...

SEO 614 Words