Understanding Bible Prophecies From The Old ...

With so many things going on in this world today, we feel that the Bible has no connections at all in present time. This article will explain, and reveal to you that the Bible The Word Of The Living God, has more to do with our time, more than ever before. In the first three chapters of...

Spirituality 1182 Words

Pursuit Of Happiness: Having The Ideal In ...

Pursuit Of Happiness: Having The Ideal In Life… Just Imagine!

For most of us the finding true happiness means a search for an ideal life.

Ideal. It lives in your imagination and seeks to express itself in your life. Nurture your ideal. Let it breathe in your soul.


Time Management 572 Words

Gain Confidence and Boost Self Esteem in 5 ...

Gain Confidence and Boost Self Esteem in 5 Simple Steps

We all want to become more confident and feel good about ourselves so we can live our very best life. Here are some ways to gain confidence and raise self-esteem:

1. Do something that requires a decision and a...

Inspirational 536 Words

Are You Dealing With A Compulsive Lying ...

There are many people that just cant stop lying. In order to avoid the truth this path is chosen. A lie that is said for someones benefit is to cheat another. However there are some people that always lie, meaning that they are looked upon as liars for everything and anything that they might...

Time Management 517 Words

Three Keys to Good Health

When we pray, as Jesus taught us, we are to come to God, Our Father, as a little child. Through Jesus redemption on the cross, He bought us back from the paradise of intimacy with Him lost by Adam, restored our communication with God, and made us co-inheritors of the Kingdom of God! Therefore,...

Spirituality 600 Words

Four Enduring Truths

There are enduring truths about ourselves that we sometimes don’t see or remember. What are they? They are truths that were recognized thousands of years ago, and have stood the test of time. Here are a four of them, and some ideas about how to use this knowledge.

Enduring Truths...

Inspirational 448 Words

Using The Law Of Attraction To Manifest Your ...

There is all the hype these days about the Law of Attraction and the process of manifesting your desires into your life. Basically the key to this law is that you will manifest whatever you desire. There are several contingencies that come into play when you want to manifest your desire. First...

Time Management 618 Words

Pursuit Of Happiness: 6 Keys To Finding True ...

The pursuit of happiness is one of the basic elements of human existence. We want to be happy. So why are so many people unhappy then? Most likely people are not happy because they are missing one of the six keys to happiness.

The most important key to your personal happiness is...

Time Management 515 Words

Life And Sharing

Life is very precious. We take every day as if it does not matter. Most of us do that. Ask a terminal patient, who has been given only few days to live and you will realize the way we all spend our lives without truly valuing it.

Think of your own life. Imagine that you will be die after...

Self Improvement 499 Words

Are You Asking For Things And Then Telling ...

Are You Asking For Things And Then Telling The Universe No Thanks!? Part 1

Do you ask for things and then tell the Universe no thanks!?

Recently on the front page of yahoo! was this headline: NYC cabbie returns bag of diamond rings and instantly I thought Did he just tell the...

Time Management 904 Words

Flowers As A Metaphor For Life

My dear old Mom won’t let anybody buy her flowers. She says she can’t stand to watch them die.

Which is probably a bit like saying she wouldn’t own a puppy because she doesn’t want to see it grow old, or read a book because she can’t stand that it will end,...

Inspirational 307 Words

Using Irrational Belief as a Tool of Mind ...

You’ll find that most people are in some way irrational, even superstitious. They may be “superficially” superstitious and base their behaviors on things that have no basis in reality. They may be literally superstitious and think that some action or inaction will...

Time Management 407 Words