Don’t Blame The Reflection

Getting healthier, getting happier, getting rid of chronic illness and how to be rich…
how to have a better life and how to be more satisfied. We have this innate ability to manifest whatever it is that we need to have.

Whether its anyone of the things above or whatever your...

Time Management 849 Words

Doing The Things You Thought You ...

All of us at one time or another had something which we thought at the time, was beyond us. It could have been something as simple as driving a car or speaking a foreign language. At the time we couldn’t see ourselves doing that activity.

And when we looked at the people who were...

Time Management 603 Words

Does Sedona Method Really Work?

The Sedona method claims it is a really simple way to help you to improve your life. But does the Sedona method really work?

Well, as with everything else in life, the answer is yes and no. If you let the Sedona method work for you, the answer is a resounding “Yes”. If you...

Time Management 311 Words

Does Hypnosis Work?

Working as a Hypnotherapist is very rewarding as you get the privilege of working with people that want to achieve amazing success in their lives. In fact there is never really a day that I get out of bed and think oh no another boring day at work as each and every day brings many more new...

Time Management 478 Words

Doctors Doing Hypnotherapy

In my opinion, doctors do not necessarily make the best hypnotherapists. Their credentials or reputation as physicians have nothing to do with their rating as hypnotherapists. In my opinion, those who are successful at hypnotherapy, it really has little to do with their position as a...

Time Management 490 Words

Do You Want A Ringing Ears Cure?

Before you can even think about finding a ringing ears cure you must be sure as to why your tinnitus started in the first place. Exposure to noise accounts for more than 80% of all ringing in the ear cases worldwide. Ringing ears can be caused by fireworks, gun shots, industrial equipment or...

Time Management 468 Words

Do You Use Your Time Wisely?

When I was younger, I never considered the importance of time.

I just laze around, watching TV, lie in bed, and play video games.

As I grew older, I thought about the things that I have achieved. To my surprise, I haven’t accomplished a lot.

I resolved to myself that I...

Time Management 596 Words

Do You Need Others’ Approval?

“At work, every time I have to speak at meetings, I get so stressed.”

“Im taking a class and I’m always afraid to raise my hand and ask a question.”

“I’m fine one to one, but as soon as I get into a group, I’m so tense I can hardly...

Time Management 683 Words

Do You Need Focus To Achieve Your Goals ...

Let me ask you another question

What is the shortest distance between two points?

This isnt a trick, the answers very simple yes its one that you were taught at school

A straight line !!

So what does this have to do with you achieving your dreams in the shortest...

Time Management 668 Words

Do You Need Contact Lens

Are you about to venture into the world of wearing contacts? Many people in need of corrective lenses choose to wear contact lenses because of the comfort and an aversion to looking awful with glasses. Glasses slip down your nose, weight on your ears and nose, and have glare problems with light....

Time Management 492 Words

Do You Lose Confidence And Power In Dealing ...

Do You Lose Confidence And Power In Dealing With People?

One of the many reasons why people lose confidence and power in dealing with people is because they are too overly concerned with what other people think. They feel they wont be liked if they said what was on their mind. What they...

Time Management 710 Words

Do You Know Your Flock?

Have you seen the mattress commercial with the little sheep that try to convince mattress buyers to buy their brand? The commercials crack me up every time I see it, and the image of those sheep came to mind recently as I was spending my morning time renewing my mind in The Word and was reading...

Time Management 527 Words